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The poll results are in!

So, Cypher comfortably took the top spot which will definitely make all the Unforgiven Chapters sweat profusely.  Nice, I have an idea for him that should fit the Fallen motif.  Not too far behind are the Grey Knights Grandmaster proxy and Sister of Silence which tied.  Okay, to balance things out, I'll prioritize the Sister of Silence (I know exactly which one to model her after 😉).  The Grandmaster, I'll see if I can fit it in this month and work on it on the side until it's ready.  There were a lot of 3rd place finishes that were absurdly close as well but I'm not sure what to do with them at the moment.  Realistically, I can't fit them in soon.  I'll have to think about those results.

So the Harlequin Death Jester took the top place by a pretty wide margin followed by Shadowsun.  Hmmm, with the Farseer/Bonesingers, next month is already going to be pretty Eldar heavy 🤔.  But the polls clearly indicate the Death Jester a lot more popular than Shadowsun.  So based on that logic I will include the Death Jester next month and probably slot Shadowsun into the next Sci Fi Month release.  

Okay, now's a good time to show this month's bonus designs.  This time, I decided Magnus should get some chunky bodyguards (i.e. Honor Guard) (not that any Primarch really needs them, it's just nice to flex from time to time).  They come with all sorts of goodies to cover the usual bases.  Like the Armored Core proxy, they'll be very modular so you can switch out the weapons/helmets/capes based on preference.

So this is what March's release will look like:

Standard Rewards

  • Magnus Pre Heresy Proxy multiple styles (Parts Version)
  • Magnus Pre Heresy Proxy multiple styles (Single Version)
  • Armored Core Proxy multiple weapons and heads (Parts Version)
  • Armored Core Proxy multiple weapons and heads (Single Version)
  • Mara Jade multiple weapons and heads (Parts Version)
  • Mara Jade multiple weapons and heads (Single Version)
  • Mara Jade diorama (Single Version)
  • Quarian two poses and unmasked option (Parts Version)
  • Quarian two poses and unmasked option (Single Version)
  • Quarian diorama (Single Version)
  • Death Dealer On Foot (Parts Version)
  • Death Dealer On Foot (Single Version)

1 Year + Bonus items

  • Magnus Terminator Bodyguards (Parts Version)
  • Magnus Terminator Bodyguards (Single Version)

And that brings us to an end for another Sci Fi Month!  Was really glad to get a chance to do my version of Tali.  Remember ME fans, if you vote for male Sheppard in the future, you'll get more Tali awesomeness! 👍

Okay, time for Azrael to let Asmodai off his leash.  Because we're going to hunt the Lord of the Fallen!



John Yula

Will the sister of silence have multiple poses and 3 weapon options like a blade, flamethrower, and rifle?