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A new Sci Fi month is here!

First off, is the fan favorite, Tali'Zorah nar Rayya.  So here's a story ME fans might find interesting.  Back when ME1 came out, I was a Shepard/Liara shipper fan.  Tali was an great character even then but they really didn't give her much focus in the first game although I did find the Quarian/Geth backstory fascinating and one of the best parts of ME lore.

But then ME2 came out and Bioware basically decided to bench Liara/Ashley/Wrex for an entire game.  They gave Tali a much more expanded role and even became a romance option.  And you know what?  After that game, I decided Tali was pretty much the MVP of the Normandy crew (and ME trilogy if I'm honest).  So I switched sides and became a Shepard/Tali shipper fan.  Scandalous I know, much more egregious than someone switching sides in the eternal Team Edward/Team Jacob war.

BTW Baldur's Gate fans, did you know there are a bunch of BG Easter egg references in ME2?  For example, Tali's warcry of 'Go for the optics, Chatika! Go for the optics!' is a reference to Minsc who famously shouts "Go for the eyes, Boo! Go for the eyes!"

In fact, Shepard can also get Boo as a pet in the personal Normandy quarters. Yes, really. 

Tali also occasionally says "Nothing's faster than Chatika vas Paus!" which is a reference to an Aerie quote "Faster than Chiktikka Fastpaws!"

Anyways, I'm sticking pretty close to her ME2 version.  I'll include Tali's masked and unmasked option and of course her faithful drone Chatika.  And just to let ME fans know - if you ever vote in Male Shepard in the future, I'll include a Shepard/Tali pairing. 😉

Okay, next up is the another fan favorite, EU Star Wars character Mara Jade.  So full disclosure, all my knowledge about Star Wars is from the the first 6 movies and KOTOR games.  What I do know is that in the Star Wars EU stories, Mara Jade was the former Emperor's Hand but eventually fell in love with Luke Skywalker.  She became a Jedi Master and eventually married Luke as well. 

Last month I asked who would be a good casting choice for Mara Jade.  I got a bunch of suggestions and after mulling it over, two really stood out.  The first is Shannon McRandle who is actually the original Mara Jade in some promo material.  So yeah, obvious homage choice.  The second was Dina Meyer who I actually really think looks the part.  For now, I'll include two head version for Mara Jade - Shannon and one I just kind of made up.  I'll try to include the Dina Meyer's version later.

Next up is the Armored Core mech!  Also, this month I want to catch up on some of the community requests that have been piling up.  So I'll be finishing up the Death Dealer on foot.  I'll also spend more time making a more appropriate Pre-Heresy Magnus and adding a keyhole to the giant Dragon Head so you can mount it on a wall.  Stay tuned!




For me she will always be Tali'Zorah vas Normandy. Always was a fan of her character and only dated Liara in ME1 because Tali wasn't an option yet.

Johnny Turbo

I need to play ME over again. I always thought tali was cool.


HOLY i love tali so much, cant wait to have her on a display