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The Grimdark poll results are in!  There are also some important news items afterwards that mainly concerns the Grimdark community members so please make sure to read the update.  

So it looks like Magnus took the top spot by a comfortable margin followed by Tyberos the Red Wake proxies.  It took awhile but the community finally decided they wanted a giant Space Shark with chainsword lightning claws, oh yeah! 🦈

On the Xenos side of things, the Norn Emissary took the top spot followed closely by the Farseers.  Nice, looks like Tyranids are finally getting some love!  

Okay, as I mentioned before there's no way to do two Primarch proxies properly in two months.  I'll include Magnus in the Fantasy Month as he'll fit quite nicely.  The Eldar characters, I'll fit into the next sci fi month.  

Okay, here's the breakdown for December's release.

Standard Rewards:

  • Arcee Car Form (Single Version)
  • Arcee Multiple Poses (Parts Version)
  • Arcee Multiple Poses (Single Version)
  • Gundam RX-78-2 (Parts Version)
  • Gundam RX-78-2 (Single Version)
  • Adam Smasher (Parts Version)
  • Adam Smasher (Single Version)
  • Adam Smasher Diorama (Single Version)
  • Maya Multiple Poses and Costumes (Parts Version)
  • Maya Multiple Poses and Costumes (Single Version)
  • Megatron Multiple Poses (Single Version)
  • Megatron Multiple Poses (Parts Version)
  • Megatron Multiple  Poses (Single Version)
  • Missile Launcher Tank (Single Version)
  • Artillery Tank (Single Version)
  • Plasma Cannon Tank (Single Version)
  • Giant 'I Win' missile Tank (Single Version)

1 Year+ Reward

  • Super Heavy Tank (Single Version) 

I had a real blast with this months items!  Always enjoy the interesting suggestions the community puts forth and putting my spin on them! 👍

Update for the Grimdark Community Members:

So I want to give another update on the whole GW drama from September.  Again Fantasy and Sci Fi community members don't have anything to worry about so you can skip this next part.  

Since then, it's become clear to me that a lot of creators have been targeted by them recently in their bid to crush the competition.  The way they do this is by sending a legal document that essentially boils down to 'remove these items away or else'. At the urging of a lot of community members, I have sought out IP counsel to help me figure out the validity of this document.  Long story short, I think the document is absolute BS.  But lawyers seem to operate on a type of logic only they understand and apparently there is basically nothing some random guy like me can do about it so I don't think it's worth drawing this process out.  

So what does this all mean?  Their document will force me to remove certain items from availability.  I'll email eligible community members the specific list and relevant dates.  I'll try to provide extra clarification when required but please PM me about this after December's public post.  The end and the beginning of each month are always a busy transition period of promos and design migration.  

While I wouldn't say this was a pleasant experience, I have gained better insight to the tactics these corporate lawyers use.  It actually kind of amuses me that they go so far with these semantics, like their 'original' IP is some sort of gold standard to aspire to.  I'll let you decide whether that's the case.  I will say that if GW applied this kind of scrutiny to their own quality assurance department, they might not be in this mess.

While annoying, I'm not that chuffed about it in the grand scheme of things.  I mean, it's not like any of my stuff is that hard to find nowadays, even if it doesn't come directly from me.  Telling the internet not to do something always backfires spectacularly, just ask youtube.  So I don't know what sort of practical effect this has beyond showing how insecure GW is about the age of 3D printing. 🤷‍♂️

And it's about time I did some spring cleaning with the welcome pack and file distribution anyways.  I've been getting more reports that sync's performance has been poor and even I've noticed it lately.  So I'll start looking at a better file distribution system.  I'll leave this suggestion box specifically for patrons if they want to recommend a specific cloud service and I'll see if there is a general consensus.  Please note this will not happen quickly because at the end of the day I'm just one guy but I'll try to get the gears moving.  

But it's clear to me now that this war will never end.  Even if everybody working for GW from top to bottom moves on tomorrow, you cannot stop the greed of a company whose only concern is its bottom line.  But hey, if life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.  So for everything they say needs to be removed, I'll take it as an opportunity to create another version their corporate spies can't run back to their overlords and complain about.  

There's no fixed timetable for that but I think I'll start with the giant tax collector when I get the chance.  I have a pretty good understanding now of how lawyers try to nail creators so all I have to do is take the historical precedent that 'inspired' their stuff, take it back to the source and see if they have the gall to try and copyright that.  If they want to start a war with creators, that's fine by me.  I'll just keep improving my designs until lawyers can't use their alien logic and it makes everything they put out look like something you grab from a back alley pawn shop in China.  And I won't charge you a second mortgage for it.   

Anyways, that's it for this month's segment of 'Let's see how GW can screw people over'.  Now it's onto Grimdark Month.  And just a fair warning, with Slaanesh, things will get really, really weird.  Time to remind everyone what Grimdark really means.   




Damn, that’s a lot of crap you’ve had to endure.


Hmmmmmmmmmm........ I wonder how big of an external storage I'll need to do a full backup of files