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November Grimdark Poll - Humans/Demons Only

  • Alizebeth Bequin 57
  • Argel Tal and Kharn BFFs 68
  • Arihman Pre and Post Heresy 74
  • Chaos Obliterators 35
  • Commissar Yarrick 46
  • Corvus Corax 114
  • Cypher Lord of the Fallen 62
  • Daemon Prince Magnus The Red 147
  • Dark Angels Corswain 39
  • Female Rogue Trader 68
  • Ferrus Manus LOTD 61
  • Grey Knights Supreme Grandmaster 103
  • Ibram Gaunt and Some Ghosts 56
  • Cerastus Knight Acheron 46
  • Lost Primarchs (BuildYourOwn) 53
  • Master of Executions 10
  • Noise Marine and Slaanesh Sister of Battle Combo 62
  • Penitent Engine 34
  • Perturabo 78
  • Sister of Silence 64
  • Techno Barbarian 10
  • Nightlord Raptors (The Bleeding Eyes) 33
  • Lorgar Aurelian 38
  • Tyberos the Red Wake and Terminator Variantions 127
  • Ulrik the Slayer 44
  • 2023-11-18
  • —2023-11-29
  • 1529 votes
{'title': 'November Grimdark Poll - Humans/Demons Only', 'choices': [{'text': 'Alizebeth Bequin', 'votes': 57}, {'text': 'Argel Tal and Kharn BFFs', 'votes': 68}, {'text': 'Arihman Pre and Post Heresy', 'votes': 74}, {'text': 'Chaos Obliterators', 'votes': 35}, {'text': 'Commissar Yarrick', 'votes': 46}, {'text': 'Corvus Corax', 'votes': 114}, {'text': 'Cypher Lord of the Fallen', 'votes': 62}, {'text': 'Daemon Prince Magnus The Red', 'votes': 147}, {'text': 'Dark Angels Corswain', 'votes': 39}, {'text': 'Female Rogue Trader', 'votes': 68}, {'text': 'Ferrus Manus LOTD', 'votes': 61}, {'text': 'Grey Knights Supreme Grandmaster', 'votes': 103}, {'text': 'Ibram Gaunt and Some Ghosts', 'votes': 56}, {'text': 'Cerastus Knight Acheron', 'votes': 46}, {'text': 'Lost Primarchs (BuildYourOwn)', 'votes': 53}, {'text': 'Master of Executions', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'Noise Marine and Slaanesh Sister of Battle Combo', 'votes': 62}, {'text': 'Penitent Engine', 'votes': 34}, {'text': 'Perturabo', 'votes': 78}, {'text': 'Sister of Silence', 'votes': 64}, {'text': 'Techno Barbarian', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'Nightlord Raptors (The Bleeding Eyes)', 'votes': 33}, {'text': 'Lorgar Aurelian', 'votes': 38}, {'text': 'Tyberos the Red Wake and Terminator Variantions', 'votes': 127}, {'text': 'Ulrik the Slayer', 'votes': 44}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 29, 23, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 18, 15, 44, 55, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 1529}



The Grimdark Poll is here!  All items are taken from the Grimdark Suggestion Box.  It is a combination of new items and popular items from last round that did not win.  Here's the link to all the items in the poll (attached to post as well).

Grimdark Voting is now one Imperium/Chaos and one Xenos poll running simultaneously.  You can find the Xenos poll here.

A couple of things to note:

  • The Daemon Primarch Fulgrim and Tyrannofex proxies are guaranteed next month.  Therefore I will only take one or two suggestions at most from each poll.  But if the results are close enough and have enough interest, I may queue them into the Fantasy, Sci Fi Alternative lineup if I think there's enough overlap in that month's theme.
  • For the Lost Primarch suggestion (basically make up your own), that can pretty much go in any direction.  But I've included all the images suggested.  If it wins, I'd choose one of the styles in the list.
  • If a Primarch wins, he will be delayed at least a month.  There is no way I can do two Primarchs properly in one month.
  • Only suggestions with proper names are added to the polls.
  • I'm grouping suggestions that are very similar visually into one poll item (i.e. Eldar Farseer Bonesinger Type Character)
  • The next set of Sci Fi WIPs will be up in the next couple of days.

Each poll will be open until November 29th, 6:00pm EDT.



I hate the GW version of deamon prince Magnus. Really hoping for that one


If Magnus wins, can we get a non-daemon version?

Russell Byerley

We really need a banner bearer for the Ork King model! My poor guy won't have a little runt to boss around and sit on!