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The next Fantasy WIP is here!

So Sauron is definitely a character that needs no introduction.  The big bad of the LOTR movies, his character is the archetype for all Dark Lords in fantasy literature and games ever since.  With one of the coolest intros from the Fellowship of the Ring, his presence is always felt in Middle-earth even if rarely seen.  

And while he's not as powerful as his boss Morgoth, Sauron is definitely more recognizable in pop culture.  Through trickery and deceit, he has achieved some astounding victories including the destruction of Númenor, killing Gil-Galad and of course tricking Celembrimbor which led to the creation of the One Ring.  I can barely scratch the surface of the Dark Lord's rich history but there are countless video essays/wikis dedicated to his character.  I'm just here to make him look cool.

So I'm sticking with his movie armored looks as that seems to be the more popular version of the community.  His helmet is deceptively complicated but I did want to make sure it looked right.  Some of the WIPs for it will look slightly different as I made gradual improvements.  

I'm working on his unarmored look right now but, I'll probably stick as closely to the unarmored concept suggestion as possible.  From what I've read, Sauron has no definitive appearance as he is a shapechanger but lost his ability to assume a fair humanoid form after the Fall of Númenor.  So it probably doesn't make sense to have an unhelmeted version while wearing his LOTR armor.

Okay, next up is the MTG Planesalker Liliana Vess.  She is actually a necromancer which surprised me, I don't really get necromancer vibes from her appearance.  But she is described as charismatic and witty with a profound desire for power.  For example, Liliana promised her soul to four powerful demons in exchange for everlasting youth and an extraordinary command over death magic.  But Liliana doesn't plan to honor this debt and has found a powerful artifact called the Chain Veil to kill one of the demons Kothophed.  And her talent for deception has managed to keep her ahead of her debt to dark forces.

Visually, Liliana looks very cool (that dress is amazing!) and her concepts show a swagger that is quite appropriate for her described personality.  So I've tried to capture that beauty and cunning she's is known for.

As promised, I'm also including the Y'shtola variant as their costumes are pretty similar.  I don't know anything about Y'shtola, only that she's a character from FF14 which is apparently the most successful Final Fantasy game ever 😲.  Personally, my favorite will always be the original FF7. 👍

Okay, next up are poses and Sauron's unarmored version.  The next Sci Fi poll will also be up next week.  Please have sci fi suggestions submitted in the next few days.  Thanks!
