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The Grimdark Poll results are in!

Wow, so this month's polling was pretty interesting.  I noticed that Constantin Valdor was trailing early on but managed to surge up and take the top spot which very rarely happens.  So that means after several polls, the Captain-General will finally get his due!  

I'll be honest, I'm kind of surprised Daemon Primarch Fulgrim is so popular in the polls.  I guess my vicious character assassination posts have done nothing to dissuade the community. 😅 But the polls have spoken so I'll add him as a guaranteed item in a future Grimdark Month lineup.  

Onto the Xenos side of things, Maugan Ra takes the top spot.  Nice, he's the first Phoenix Lord to win a Grimdark Poll so I'm pretty stoked about that.  👍

And finally, I will include the Tyrannofex into the Sci Fi lineup.  Like the Orks, I'm a huge fan of the Tyranids and constantly hoping they'll just gobble up all the T'au Expansion Spheres.  Tyranids have actually never won a Grimdark poll so this will definitely be new territory.  

Okay, next up, here's what will be what's available in September's release:

Standard Rewards:

  • 2B Pose One (Two Costumes) (Parts Version)
  • 2B Pose One (Two Costumes) (Single Version)
  • 2B Pose Two (Two Costumes) (Parts Version)
  • 2B Pose Two (Two Costumes) (Single Version)
  • 2B Pose Customized Base (Single and Parts Version)
  • Royal BlackWatch Mech (Customizable Weapons) (Parts Version)
  • BattleTech Alternate version (Customizable Weapons) (Parts Version)
  • Royal BlackWatch Mech (Single Version)
  • BattleTech Alternate Style(Single Version)
  • Zaku Bazooka Pose (Parts Version)
  • Zaku Rifle Pose (Parts Version)
  • Zaku Axe Pose (Parts Version)
  • Zaku Bazooka Pose (Single Version)
  • Zaku Rifle Pose (Single Version)
  • Zaku Axe Pose (Single Version)
  • Infested Kerrigan Attack Pose  (Single Version)
  • Vampirella Pose One (Two Costumes) (Parts Version)
  • Vampirella Pose One (Two Costumes) (Single Version)
  • Vampirella Pose Two (Two Costumes) (Parts Version)
  • Vampirella Pose Two (Two Costumes) (Single Version)
  • Vampirella Blood Tub Diorama (Single Version)

1 Year + Reward:

  • Cosmic Horror Monster (Single Version)

And that's a wrap for Sci Fi month!  Lot's of fun as usual and I'm really glad I got a chance to do a Zaku. 😄 

Onward to Grimdark Month!  I'm super stoked to work on the Khan who I personally consider to be one of the best Primarchs and definitely one of the best additions to the Horus Heresy series.  Get ready for awesome lore, cool bikes and *gasp* genius Orks! 😲

Khagan! 🦅




Oh man I genuinely can't wait for Valdor. I hope he comes with a helmeted option too!


Glad you're excited for him! 👍 Yes, he will come with a helmet option!


When in the Emperors name will Tyberos win?!?