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Another WIP is here and first up is Gotrek from Gotrek and Felix fame!  This is the first dwarf I've made in the fantasy lineup and I feel privileged that it should be someone as badass as Gotrek. 👍

Now what makes Gotrek so awesome?  Well first off, Gotrek is a Slayer which means is basically the perfect personification of death and destruction.  They are outlandish doom-seekers, individuals who have wholly dedicated the entire lives finding the most insane, deadliest enemies and kill them or go out in a blaze of glory.  Gotrek's reason for becoming a Slayer is never spelled out but hints involve losing his wife/children and killing the dwarf lord he was arguing with about the family murder.

As the story goes, Gotrek was in Altdorf when they had a Window Tax Riot (no really) and that's when he came across Felix Jaeger.  Gotrek rescued Felix from the trampling hooves of Imperial Cavalry sent to quell the riots.  After a night of drinking, Felix swore a blood oath to follow the Slayer on his quest to find a mighty doom and record the story in an epic poem.  The two have been companions ever since and that's when their legend began.

So Gotrek and Felix are probably the most recognizable duo from Warhammer Fantasy with many books dedicated to their exploits.  Despite his death wish, Gotrek seems literally impossible to kill.  Like, any enemy he comes across will be deleted, Bloodthirsters included. 😲 Felix initially came across as a kind of Dandelion type Witcher character to me but he develops in a completely different way.  I definitely won't be able to do justice explaining their feats but this guy seems to know what he's talking about.

Anyways, that event that everybody hated happened and pretty much everyone bit the dust.  However, a few like Gotrek managed to survive by entering the Realm of Chaos to continue the fight (and hopefully finally die as he always wanted).  But no!  Like the title mentioned, he literally fought his way into the next setting, Age of Sigmar.

As someone who really isn't that into Warhammer Fantasy, watching the whole End Times fan drama unfold was a bit like watching a nuclear apocalypse from the safety of another planet.  Destructive but very entertaining.  From my understanding, the Angry Company ended Warhammer Fantasy because 'the setting doesn't make money'.  Well, three lucrative Total War games later, upper management 180'd on that idea so fast I'm surprised they don't all have whiplash. 😄

I've got to say though, really loving Gotrek's aesthetic.  That mohawk is absolutely legendary and going bare chest to show all those cool tattoos is a boss move.  Fiery beard, fiery temper, fiery dwarf.  Oh yeah! 🔥

Next up is Avacyn the Purifier.  So like the Sylvaneth Treelords, I can't say I know anything about her.  I read her wiki but without a lot of context, it didn't really make much sense to me.  Basically from what I gathered Avacyn was created by a vampire planeswalker called Sorin Markov and tasked her with protecting his home plane of Innistrad.  She was hit by a spell that messed with mana making her believe all humanity was corrupt.  Avacyn goes on a bloody purge so epic, Sorin has to come back and undo her by unravelling the spell that made her in the first place.

Visually, Avacyn definitely stands out from the Fantasy lineup.  Her blood tinged wings, ghost skin looks wickedly cool.  Her jet black eyes are very creepy, like they're some portal into the endless abyss.  All in all, she kind of reminds me of a blackguard with wings and in a good way.  I'll definitely pose her hovering in mid air with her spear.  I've also experimented with some alternate hairstyles which I think look cool.  Will probably give her at least one alternate hairstyle option. 👍

After some community suggestions, I made a few minor alterations to Curze's armor and claw length.  I'll also include a version of Curze that doesn't have as much skin dangling from his armor.

Okay, next up are poses!  The Sci Fi poll will also be up in about a week.  If you have suggestions please submit them in the next couple of days.  Thanks!




the Avacyn model looks amazing,As soon as it is ready it will be one of my priorities for printing,of course after the Sylvaneth Treelords


Would love to see Primarch Corax and the Warp Hunter version of him. see link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aq38MRzhSI&t=1612s

Johnny Turbo

Gotrek looks awesome, maybe some battle scars as he really gets a beating in the books. Curze looks just how I view him the books 10/10 really well done.


I cannot beleive my Gotrek suggestion got through. He looks every bit as angry and drunk as I could have hoped for. You geuinly have such a talent dude.


Thanks, I'm glad you like how the characters turned out! 👍 Yeah, I'll look into add some battle scars!


Kurze looks amazing!


I really like the full-colour images. Very cool.