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A new Grimdark WIP has arrived and I'll start off with the monthly bonus reward!

As Grimdark fans are well aware now, 10th edition is upon us and another Primarch has returned to the setting to bring in that sweet, sweet moolah.  Yes, it's our old pal the Lion and the Angry Company decided he should look like Tywin Lannister now (seriously, just check out all the memes).

I'm of two minds about this.  On the one hand, Twyin was definitely a very...intimidating character and the overlap in titles/symbols is undeniable (i.e. The Lion of Casterly Rock).  And having an acclaimed actor like Charles Dance be the face of the Dark Angels is definitely badass.  On the other hand, do you really want the Lion associated with a character that died on the privy, shot to death by one of his own sons?  I hope that's not foreshadowing. 😲

Regardless how the Angry Company decides to fit the Lion back into plot, he's probably not going to be too happy when he realizes what's been going on. 😄

Hey, quick piece of trivia for GoT fans.  Did you know that there's a good chance Tywin Lannister was poisoned by Oberyn Martell and would have died even if Tyrion didn't shoot him?  This video lays out some pretty compelling evidence.

Anywho, for this month's bonus reward, I thought it appropriate to revisit an old character of mine so he can keep up with the times.  And better yet, he will come with an all new assortment of armor, heads and poses to lead the Dark Angels to victory!  Most importantly, the Lion gets that new artifact everyone's talking about, the personal shield of the Emperor.  Huh? Did I miss something?  I guess you could say Big E had a whole arsenal of goodies we didn't know about.  Or maybe it's Big E's ecranche magically supersized. 🤷‍♂️ I'll also include a lion shield variant as well. 👍

Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the golden cheesenought.  As per the community requests, I've included the Achillus variant so Custodes players can field it wielding a Guardian Spear and Lastrum Storm Bolters.  And as a special bonus, they also get one of those oversized banners you sometimes see Space Marines and Dreadnoughts carrying into battle.  Nothing bumps up an army's cool factor like giant oversized banners!  Like the Space Elf Titan, I will provide some limb options so players can pose the Custodes Contemptor as they see fit.

The Fantasy Month Poll is still up!  I will provide a final breakdown of next month's items when the final results are in.  Stay tuned!




I love Tywin as the Lion. It makes sense


Make Jamey Lannister Azrael! lol


The Lion is amazing - Tywin makes logical sense but it's so discordant....good thing I'm opposed to unhelmed space marines (or Primarchs) in battle and the hooded one looks as phenomenal as rest of the model, can't wait till it's released :D he overshadowed the custodians so much I'll have to come back a bit later and only look at them, not the Lion. For now, back to staring at my Primarch....


So are we getting Vulkan and the custodes Dreadnought at the same time?? My printers will EXPLODE! lol


Big E better hope no more of his children return to him. They keep raiding his armory going "dad, can I borrow your sword?" "No fair, you let Girlyman take your sword! What use is a shield to me?"


No way!!! I just suggested that a few weeks ago. This is so much better than I imagined!


thats Tywin Lannister! oh havent read but def looks like him lol


Wow. I am no space matine fan, but that head is just a perfect fit. I might just print it for my showcase.


I understand if the crossguard for the new sword was done out of printing consideration or any other reason. But damn is that a thicc crossguard.


Superb. Will this be available to buy or have I got to be punished for not finding your work sooner 😂🤣😂🤣


Thanks! 👍 Yeah sorry, this will be special gift for the long term community members. 😄

Ciaphas Cain

I can't seem to find this in my myminifactory collection. What time frame of sponsorship is it available for?