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The main Trazyn update is here!  And it's time to delve into his wonderful museum and the wonders he has accumulated over the millennia. 🤩

So have you ever wondered what would happen if a Terminator gained self awareness but its processor threw a segmentation fault and developed kleptomania?  That's kind of what Trazyn is like.  But on top of that, Trazyn has access to absurdly powerful technology and cheat codes, so he's decided to become the galaxy's greatest troll.  

Jokes aside, Trazyn the Infinite is a Necron Overlord of the Nihilakh Dynasty who specialises in the collection of priceless technologies and relics.  His goal is to preserve the galaxy's histories, important artefacts and events in his museum (the Solemnace Galleries).  Trazyn has no respect for boundaries and often nicks what he wants from other alien races or even his fellow Necrons so that the treasures may be preserved in his galleries.

His reputation as a troll comes from the polite but mocking letters he often sends to the victims he pilfers from.  You can read one of them at the top of his bio.  Just from that, you'll know Trazyn will take the piss out of any character he comes across.  I've also come to believe that Trazyn is the Angry Company's mascot as his behavior is eerily similar to the company in real life if you think about it.  

Trazyn's most infamous cheat code is using Lychguards or other Necron Lords as his body doubles.  So if they get destroyed, the real Trazyn is somewhere else looting your stuff.  Hence Trazyn the Infinite.  

The Great Necron Troll only fights to grab new things to expand his collection, often ignoring things like tactics or the wellbeing of his fellow Necrons order to do so. However, Trazyn has what I like to call 'Cain's touch' and his actions often coincidentally accomplish military goals so his underlings and allies actually benefit from his thieving ways.  

His museum is described as vast and numberless vaults burrowed through the Tomb World of Solemnace with technologies so rare and sublime that a Tech-priest would sell out his colleagues just to catch a glimpse.  There are countless items, definitely more than the writers have ever described but a few of the more famous ones are: 

  • The fabled wraithbone choir of the Asuryani Altansar craftworld
  • The preserved head of Sebastian Thor 
  • The ossified husk of an Enslaver
  • At least one Custodes
  • A Krork (ancient Ork that's said to be superior to the modern version)
  • Emperor knows how many Space Marines and Imperial Guard regiments

Which brings me to the most prized items in his vault.  It's recently been revealed that Trazyn acquired a perfect clone of Fulgrim by trading 18000 samples of Emperor's Childen gene-seed in a deal with Fabius Bile.  And I mean perfect, down his personality and memories before going full Daemon Prince mode.  Fabius backstabbed his Primarch, claiming this one will fall to Slaanesh as well but in reality he was just jealous of clone Fulgrim and thought he'd eventually take over.  

Before Cadia blew up, Trazyn snatched up another prize.  Yes, it's Ursarkar E. Creed, aka Churchill in space.  Half man, half brick, all tactical genius.  The Angry Company basically forced Creed into retirement because they need to keep propping Abaddon up, otherwise even more of the fanbase will realize he's a joke.  I also like to imagine that Trazyn will break Creed out of stasis from time to time so they can swap stories and argue which character in 40K has the most plot armour.  But yeah, Creed will be the 1 year+ reward this month.  

I've leaned heavily into Trazyn's more humorous reputation in this summary but he does have a surprisingly good amount of character development and backstory.  Here's a video I came across of Trazyn explaining the history of 40K from his own perspective which I thought was really well done.  I've never read the Infinite and the Divine but I've consistently been told it's excellent.  So Trazyn fans might want to check that out.  

As I mentioned before, Trazyn's museum will be made up of tilesets that community members can use to create their own custom layout.  I've included a few example images of how you can get a vault up and running with exhibit items I've come up with or some you want to add.  

Okay, this post was supposed to be all about Trazyn and his museum, but I'm going to sneak in a Legion of the Damned update as well.  I came up with three poses players can use to make their opponents scream cheese in their faces.  A community member mentioned they look a lot like Mortifactors and I suppose they do.  So I'll include the alternate version of them as well although I'll leave the battle damage.  In case anyone is wondering, Mortifactors are basically Ultramarines who have completely stopped giving a shit.  They frequently partake in rituals that will make a Slaaneshi cultist flee the room screaming in terror.  Have I mentioned that the Inquisition is terrible at their job?  

Fantasy month voting is running right now.  Feel free to cast your votes!  I've also got one more very special Dorn diorama coming up.  Stay tuned!




So trazyn is just 20th century Britain, stealing from everyone and putting it in it's own museum


The tiles and wall sections look like the into the dark terrain from kill team, do your sections fit with the GW stuff? Could it be made to fit?

Connor Gibson

This is incredible! Will the Fulgrim be part of the trazyn release?

Barokai Rein

Goddamnit, I love this so much.

Taylored Printers

If you can, I recommend getting the Audiobook of hte Infinite and Divine, if you want to see, or rather hear the most smug trolling Trazyn has done, As weell as other dives into facets of his character, it'd be great to play while modeling.


Absolutely loving this, lol.


Hi, the original versions are in the July 2022 Grimdark Folder. This version will be in next month's release.

Taylored Printers

You'll be laughing and terrified 😂 speaking of laughing, I look forward to you giving Trazyn his trademark smile/grin

Christopher Fry

This is a blockbuster of a release!

Jonathan jones

these are amazing, when and how do we get our grubby hands and printers on these guys?