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Grimdark Pose Time!  And why not start off with a more humorous one?

So, if you're a Grimdark fan you probably know the reputation of the Black Templars and they are by far the most unorthadox successor Chapter descended from Rogal Dorn.  How unorthadox you ask?  Well, there's a song dedicated to their absolute insanity.  They also famously treat the Codex Astartes as utter trash and use a loophole in the rules to have as many Space Marines as they want while going off on their merry Crusades.  I like to imagine this is how the Black Templars responded when Roboute Guilliman announced the Codex and split the Legions into Chapters.

Random Black Templar to Guilliman:

'No, we're not going to use your Codex as a guideline.  Why the hell would we listen to a giant smurf?  Oh, you strongly suggest we take a look at it or else?  Well, we've got our own ace in the hole to play.  It's called 'we saved humanity from extinction so shut up'.  By the way, Polux has been telling us all the shady stuff you were doing when we were protecting the Emperor.  So if you don't want us to blow the lid off that scandal, you'll get all those new bureaucrats you made to stay off our backs.  And just to rub salt into the wound, we're going to start telling everyone that Big E is a god.  Yeah, old heresy is going to be the new dogma. Suck on that, you glorified paper pusher.  Go back to scribbling in your books, we're off to commit galactic genocide on our own terms.'

So they did, and oh boy did they create all sorts of diplomatic disasters along the way.  Very entertaining disasters I must admit.  And yeah, aside from diverging wildly from the Imperial Fists' stoic temperament, they also believe Big E to be a god.  Which most Space Marine chapters and loyalist Primarchs definitely don't agree with.  Suffice to say, Rogal Dorn would not be amused by all this if he was around.  Now the Black Templars can field their Primarch shaking his head in disappointment, wondering where he went wrong.  I also think this pose has a lot of meme potential.  Now that I think about it, all the loyalist Primarchs should have a facepalm miniature. 😄

Jokes aside, Rogal Dorn does have an interesting dynamic with Sigismund who is the poster boy of the Black Templars.  While Dorn genuinely believed that the fighting would eventually end, Sigismund has the completely opposite viewpoint and thinks there will only ever be war.  To be fair, the First High Marshall has a very good reason for believing this.

And while their relationship was strained during the Horus Heresy, at the end of the day Dorn truly values his First Captain and considers him his best and most beloved son.  As opposed to Perturabo who treats his First Captain like cannon fodder.

On the more serious side, I also made a variety of poses and weapon/shield variations for Dorn and a helmet option.  You'll be able to mix and match the wargear you think the Praetorian should field in battle.  There is one more melee pose with Storm's Teeth I have baking in the oven but I'll save that when I reveal the Praetorian's diorama later this month. 🤭

Okay, I know a lot of the updates so far has been on the Imperium's side.  The next Grimdark WIP will be dedicated to Trazyn's biography, his museum and all the interesting stuff he has in it.  But for now, here's my version of the greatest troll in 40K and the poses I've come up with (the image from the last update was from an old Grimdark project).

Fantasy Month voting will also be up in a bit!  Stay tuned!




That ballcap lol


Nice idea, Astartes facepalm 🤭


Wow, these are beautiful, I can't wait to print my own facepalm Dorn. How many nonsense complaints have you gotten "cAnOnIcAlLy DoRn DoEsN't HaVe FaCiAl HaiR"?


Thanks! Actually, nobody has said that. 😄 I think many community members actually prefer Dorn with facial hair. Plus I'll give the option for clean shaven as well! 👍


Does anyone else think "Mutton-Chop Dorn" needs a bowler hat and monocle? Beautiful work as always mr. Art!


Pretty sure we're going to need ALL OF THESE OPTIONS! : )

Johnny Turbo

Siggy in front of Roggy needs to be a diorama. Or at least the facepalm option. It's such a deep cut, it's wonderful.


I think the nerd boy gatekeepers who would say some junk like that are all still giving GW all their money and judging us for being printers :D.

Barokai Rein

Good to see that Rogal comes with his *lore accurate* moustache and mutton chops style.


Where is the sigismund and face palm dorn files