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Hi everyone,

For March, I am pleased to release a new Grimdark Sci Fi Pack!

At the top of the lineup, we have the Secret Agent.  A master of observation, the Secret Agent uses her charm and observational skills to accomplish her goals.  The Secret Agent is definitely one of the few that's good at her job! 👍

Next up we have a giant robot.  Haven't you always wanted to pilot a giant mech suit and wreck an city or two?  Well now you have the next best thing!  Use this giant walker to terrorize your enemies on the tabletop!  Best of all, you can actually see the cockpit!

But wait!  Maybe ranged combat isn't your thing.  Maybe you want to get close and personal, smashing everything aside like a giant wrecking ball.  Well you're in luck because the robot also comes in a more melee gothic flavour in case your in the mood to smash or slice your enemies into red goo.

Next up we have the Lawman in the apocalypse!  Picture this, the entire world has been nuked to hell and most of it is an irradiated wasteland.  Humanity is crammed in giant metropolises which are a breeding ground for unchecked crime.  It's up to the lawman to keep things in check and lay down the law!

And hey, sometimes weird things happen in a nuclear wasteland like spirits possessing the recently deceased.  Does that faze the lawman?  Hell, no!  He'll punch that nonsense and tell it to get out of his city!  He is the law!

This month also sees the completion of the latest patron goal - the diorama of the Ruler battling the Rage God!  The Rage God has languished on his throne for too long, waiting for a good scrap.  The Ruler is here to give it to him!

For March 2023, the new 1 year+ reward will be the Walking Cathedral converted to be printable at giant size (~760mm)!  Not only that, but head is now printable with the bridge interior!

Please refer to this post on how the reward system works.

Here is the complete list of what's available in the March Sci Fi Pack:

March 2023 Standard Rewards:

  • Gothic Robot (Single Version 110mm)
  • Gothic Robot (Parts Version 110mm)
  • Lawman Idle Pose (Single Version)
  • Lawman Punching Pose (Single Version)
  • Robot (Parts Version)
  • Robot (Single Version)
  • Ruler Rage God Diorama Base (Parts Version Ruler and Rage God Set in January and February release)
  • SecretAgent (Parts Version)
  • SecretAgent (Single Version)
  • UndeadLawman (Single Version)
  • UndeadLawmanIdle (Single Version)

March 2023 1 Year+ Reward:

  • Walking Cathedral Giant Size (~760mm)
  • Walking Cathedral Head with bridge interior

All patrons get a 30-40% discount on items on my MMF storefront!

These items will be available in the welcome packs until March 31st.  A new set of weapon designs this month are free and can be found here.

This patreon is dedicated to making what the fans want.  Every project is based on community suggestions and voting.  It covers all genres from Fantasy, SciFi Alternative and Grimdark.  In February, I will be creating characters styled similar to a living wall, a robot troll's museum and a Grimdark Ghostrider.




Starting the large boy tonight. Can’t wait


I’ve been a Patreon of yours for a couple of years now. I haven’t 3D printed anything in over a year, but I stay because the designs are always amazing. Definitely my favourite 3D artist. Love your work!