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Dredd is here to lay down the law!  So yeah, the suggestion that won the poll was Dredd punching Judge Fear clean through the helmet.  That was such an epic moment of badassery, it deserves to be captured for future judges to see.  Get that weak sauce out of here! 😄

I honestly wanted to do more with Dredd this month but because it's so short I couldn't give him too many poses.  However I included an armor variation similar to the movies for Dredd and I'll include the 'idle' versions of him and Judge Fear in the next month's release.  Based on the requests I've seen, a lot of people seem to like idle poses.

I'd also like to unveil an additional surprise to this month's 1+ year reward.  So last month, I announced it would be the true scale version of the Warmaster Titan (~760mm).  With such a large scale, a community member suggested I could add a cockpit to show the Moderati and Princeps doing their thing.  That sounded like a really cool idea, so I've modified the Warmaster Titan's head to do just that! 👍

Okay, so I've cut as much of the Warmaster Titan as I can this month.  Basically anything that is unique or can be symmetrically mirrored has been cut to reasonably maneagable chunks.  Each part name will be separated into folders and numbered from P1 to PN (i.e. RightArm folder with P1-P8.stl).  This includes the two versions of the Warmaster Titan.  Due to the time constraints, I'm almost sure some essential cuts were left out but the bulk is done.  I'll try to add any remaining refinements next month.

Grimdark voting is still up until tomorrow.  I'll announce the results and give a breakdown of what's coming afterwards then.  Stay tuned!




Loving this pose! Brings back happy memories of been a kid on a Saturday morning getting my copy of 2000AD


Outstanding!! That warmaster is legit!! Hopefully my printer is up for the task because my airbrush and paint brush will be!


Can we buy the Titan if we haven’t been a member for a year?


Hi i don't understand how this works. I mean this is for Feb? or for March? The information is really confuse about that, i see a bunch of post but i can't keep the track to all.


Hi, this is part of March's release. Anything I post privately in month A and has WIP in the title will be available in month B (i.e. the next month). I make a public post at the beginning of each month explaining what's new in the welcome pack.


That cockpit really was a nice idea.