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The first 1 year+ reward character is ready!  And based on this month's lineup, I think there was only one that was ever appropriate.  

So you might remember I mentioned Cherubael was an exceptionally powerful Daemonhost that Eisenhorn summoned and kept around for study.  A Daemonhost in case your wondering are one of those enemies in Darktide you should never ever fight unless your squad a) trips over one by accident. b) are masochists. c) just plain assholes.  

Anyways, when we last left off, Eisenhorn had kept Cherubael imprisoned with shady heretic rituals.  Later in his career, the Inquisitor was hunting a heretic known as Fayde Thuring.  This dude got the jump on Eisenhorn with a damn titan known as the Cruor Vult.  The titan did what titans do best a huge chunk of his retinue gets wasted.  Eisenhorn decides that shit has hit the fan and it's time for extreme measures.  So Eisenhorn summons Cherubael by sacrificng a naïve Puritan Inquisitor in his retinue using an improvised Chaos ritual. 😲 This Inquisitor idolized Eisenhorn by the way and had no idea what Eisenhorn was doing until the very last moment.  Damn, that's cold.  Cherubael does shows up and one shots the Titan so the ends justify the means and all that.  

And remember Godwyn Fischig, that other guy I mentioned in the original post?  Well this Judge Dredd clone decides Eisenhorn has broken too many laws (literal and moral).  But Godwyn was also one of Eisenhorn's best friends and was worried for his immortal soul so he calls the Inquisition on Eisenhorn (haha, the irony).  A bunch of Puritans show up to arrest Eisenhorn and Godwyn Fischig implores Eisenhorn to repent so the Emperor will save his damned soul.  Eisenhorn demonstrates he is pure as the driven snow by killing all the Inquisitors plus Godywn and binding Cherubael into Godwyn's corpse. 😱 So basically what I'm saying is that Eisenhorn killed Judge Dredd and used his corpse as a receptacle for heresy.  Damn, even the Word Bearers think that's messed up.  Except Erebus, he would like to buy Eisenhorn a drink.  

But hey, that's how a Radical Inquistor rolls.  You could argue that the only difference between a heretic and Radical Inquistor is that the latter has a badge.  But whether you think a Radical's extreme methods actually help the Imperium or not, things always end badly for them in the end.  Although Eisenhorn's fate isn't revealed yet, I have never read a 40K novel where a character started doing warp dust and lived happily ever after.  And contrary to the stereotype, there are characters like this guy that get to ride into the sunset relatively unscathed.  

Got the Harlequin Solitaire pose done as well.  I threw in the basic type as well since they're actually pretty similar.  Added a none canon version because why not.  

So, I was going to do an old man version of Eisenhorn but this month I've been inundated with a very specific request.  Every Grimdark fan has heard the news by now (you can't avoid it, trust me I've tried).  The gist is a very big celebrity has announced they're going to do a 40K TV show.  You probably know him as Superman.  I know him as this guy from The Tudors.  For non Grimdark fans, it is heavily speculated (not confirmed) he will be playing Eisenhorn so naturally everyone will want a mini of him as such.  Personally, I'm kind of skeptical this will happen for various reasons.  But since the community wants it so much, here's a version of Eisenhorn played by said celebrity.

I briefly mulled over making celebrity Eisenhorn part of the 1 year reward package but I know that's just cruel. 😄 So he'll be part of the normal lineup.

The Sci Fi Poll is still running!  Feel free to cast your vote.  I'll talk more about next month's release when the results are in.  Thanks!  



Christopher Fry

When I saw you were doing Gregor I was hoping you'd also do Cherubael. They look awesome!


Henry Cavill nice to see him ... Looks sweet!!


Love it mate, that head option is perfect, thanks! I think the odds on sir Henry playing Eisenhorn are low but I do think it's a higher chance of doing any marine etc as I feel they will make this show to try and bring in the masses, not necessarily the fans as they are smart enough to figure out we will love it anyway, as long as it's done right. Looking forward to printing this one for damn sure


You did not do Henry Cavill as Eisenhorn!! Plus Cherubael on top of that!! Best month yet!!


Daaaamn the Eisenhorn guy looks amazing🤙🏻


Love every one of these new renders. The Harlequins are gonna be a fun project for me to hit too. Just gotta get my insurmountable pile o shame whittled down a bit more


I still think Henry should play Valdor. It would suit him.


Thanks! 👍 Yeah, no idea what they're going to do. We'll just have to wait and see!

Johnny Turbo

Loving those new bases. I'm going to have to replace a few bases now.

Joe Beddoe

All of these are just FANTASTIC. I <3 the Cavill Eisenhorn, absolutely love it!!!


Just joined as a patreon supporter - struggling to find where I get the STL files for the welcome pack? Or where to find it on MyMiniFactory. Any help would be appreciated.