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The next Sci Fi Alternative Poll is here!  All items are taken from the Sci Fi Alternative Suggestion Box.  It is a combination of new items and popular items from last round that did not win.  Here's the link to all the items in the poll (attached to the post as well).

A couple of things to note:

  • I am including Amberley Vail and a new secret item in the queue next month.  Therefore I will be choosing fewer items from the poll, 1 or 2 at most.  
  • I've grouped items that I think are similar enough into one poll item.  
  • Only suggestions with proper names are considered for the poll.
  • Please add 30K/40K suggestions to the Grimdark suggestion box.

The poll will be open until January 30th, 6:00pm EDT.  Enjoy!

Fantasy pose WIPs are also coming up soon, stay tuned!


Taylored Printers

Bruh, I pray you make AMberly fit for the diorama Cain has lol, and we need those star wars troopers, are those the SWTOR imperial troopers or?


So many good options.

Scott Woods

It'd be cool if every 3-6 months you had a loyalty reward poll for the 'big' models, since I notice they seem to miss out compared to more popular characters in the monthly releases.

Johnny Turbo

It shouldn't be Omni-Man Vs. Battle Beast, they never fought. On the other hand, the Thragg and Battle Beast fight is the thing of legends. I'm hoping with the next season of Invincible it'll get some vote love here.


My missus would love me more if you're able to do Raziel well and if i can print/ paint it good


Hoping Judge Dredd vs Judge Fear wins, that'd be rad.


Come on Raziel! So under represented. Really hope one day we can see a Metal Gear end up in one of your polls 😜


We need Tyberos the red wake!


I feel like I'm showing my age with my selections (i.e. not young anymore).


Not sure what Titanfall mech that one is. From the Japan only version of the game? A decent model of the Vanguard/Monarch titan would be cool.


the link posted above shows images of inspiration for the models


Oh, I understand that, I've just never seen a Titan of that design before. I played both games a lot. :)