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Fantasy Month has started and I'm starting with Eisenhorn because who would say no to that? 🤩

Ah, Gregor Eisenhorn the OG Inquisitor.  Arguably one of the most famous and important non Primarch characters in the setting alongside Ibram Gaunt and Gideon Ravenor.  His original trilogy is one of the classics of 40K literature and sets the tone/feel for most of the setting today and shows why the Inquisition should be feared.  

The trilogy gives a very interesting look into the career of an inquisitor and why so many of them eventually turn Radical and start using Chaos themselves.  His star pupil Gideon Ravenor (who is also an excellent character) thinks that Radicalism is inevitable because Emperor miracles are pretty rare while Chaos hands out 'blessings' more virulently than the most enthusiastic STDs.  But using Chaos to fight Chaos is like trying to put out a forest fire with promethium.  Shit's going to get out of hand very quickly, and it's always going to be a net win for Chaos in the long run.  

Anyways, Eisenhorn became an Inquisitor at the age of 24.  During his early career, he succeeded in ending the menace of the mass-murderer Murdin Eyeclone.  He also recruited Judge Dredd, I mean Godwyn Fischig and Alizebeth Bequin, a Pariah and future romance interest.  This is particular interesting relationship because Eisenhorn is a psyker and just being around Alizebeth is extremely painful for him.  

He was also training Ravenor as an Interrogator around this point.  While breaking up a heretic cabal on Gudrun, he was briefly captured and tortured leading to a paralysis of facial features.  With some help from a Puritan Inquistor Voke, he broke up the cabal he recovered a device that held the digital ghost of a long dead Heretic called Pontius Glaw.  Glaw will turn out to be a huge thorn in Eisenhorn's side.  

After further investigations of the Cabal purge, he found a Chaos tome called the Necroteuch.  Since Eisenhorn was a Puritan Inquistor at this point, he destroyed it.  This made Radical Inquistors angry because they're all about hoarding Chaos artifacts but Puritans were patting him on the back.  It was during this attack that Eisenhorn also met Cherubael, an exceptionally powerful Daemonhost and an important part in Eisenhorn's future downfall.

Eisenhorn later confronted the Radical Inquisitor Quixos on Cadia (Yes, that Cadia).  Long story short, Quixos was apparently trying to mess around with the Necron Pylons to close the Eye of Terror (now that think about it, wasn't he trying to re-activate them like Cawl?).  With the help of three other Inquisitors, Eisenhorn tracked down and killed him.  He recovered Quixos' heretical book, the Malus Codicium which includes rituals to summon and bind Daemonhosts.  This is where things get shady as Eisenhorn uses this knowledge to summon Cherubael back to the material universe for study.  

Remember Pontius Glaw?  Well Eisenhorn decided to hand his computer brain to a Tech Priest.  This genius decided to give Glaw a robot body and that ended as well as you'd expect. 🤦‍♂️ Pontius Glaw then goes on a mission to personally destroy Eisenhorn and his retinue.  The Heretic manages to shatter Eisenhorn's organization, kill many of his followers and ruin his reputation.  Eisenhorn then takes some...drastic measures which I'll cover in a future post.  But let's just say Eisenhorn becomes arguably worse than the Heretics he once hunted as the former Puritan is now a full blown Radical.  Eisenhorn and Ravenor do eventually kill Glaw but the cost was catastrophic. 😥

Seriously, read the Eisenhorn trilogy if you're a Grimdark fan.  Other Grimdark fans may shun you if you don't.  I can also highly recommend The Magos which features him as well.  

Career Highlights:

  • Eisenhorn lost his left hand to an experienced former-sharpshooter. He was investigating a potential Chaos cult on Sameter but they turned out to be former Guardsmen that were driven mad by the horrors of war and they actually saw everyone as Chaos aligned.  Eisenhorn was offered a bionic prosthetic but declined, making do with a fused stump until he could have a vat-grown hand grafted on two years later.
  • Eisenhorn trained the famous Gideon Ravenor who is also a highly decorated Inquistor and one of the most powerful psykers in the Imperium.  Eisenhorn is very proud of his protégé and they frequently work together even after Eisenhorn's disgrace.  Ravenor's story is pretty tragic as he was horribly maimed during the Thracian Primaris Triumph and now has to stay in the life support system that looks like a giant bland chair.
  • Inquistors have to be at least 10% as badass as Eisenhorn to be taken seriously.  Otherwise, Space Marines will just laugh you out of the room.  Except the Space Wolves, they'll just waste your sorry ass.  

Appearance wise, I stuck as closely to the original concept art as possible (why the hell would you want to change it?  Just look at this badass!).  His hairstyle changes more frequently than the tabletop rules the Angry Company forces players to use so I'll just include both of them.  

I've also been working on Alexstrasza from Warcraft.  She's one of five great dragons chosen by the titans to be empowered with a portion of the Pantheon's power and rule over her flight while they watched over Azeroth and its inhabitants.  Alexstrasza is also the queen of all dragons.  

I don't really have much to say about Alexstrasza as I don't remember her from any of the Warcraft games I played.  All I know is that her concept art dominated the Fantasy poll so I'm going to try and stick that as closely as possible.  

Next up is my Samurai and the Harlequin Solitaire!  There will also be a secret character later this month for the 1+ year community members so stay tuned!  




I have re read the entire series at least a dozen times over

Marc Murphy

Amazing work dude. Love the write up too. Eisenhorn and Ravenor trilogies are all time favorites. Just waiting on the final book of the Bequin Trilogy 😁

Colonel Overkill

Been years since I played wow but it seems I have a redhead to add to my shelf. When I finally finish seras victoria she will be next


Alexstrasza is big in current wow expansion about training dragons and stuffs


Nice! 👍 It's an absolutely amazing series so I understand. 😄


Thanks, I'm glad you like my take and description! Yeah, a large part of the 40K community is waiting on the next book! 👍


Omg yesssss! Eisenhorn!!!! I love you!

Richard Lalonde

Eisenhorn is looking completely badass. Can't wait to see the final product.


Looking great, you are planning on including a Henry Cavil head with this?? Hint hint...


Thanks! 👍 Haha, I'm not sure I want more of the Angry Company's wrath. 😅 Is that even the confirmed role?


No no but having his head as an eisenhorn option would be cool and then as an option for all the other 40k guys too. Yeah do that!


Eisenhorn is coming out awesome. You're making me hope you handle Cherubael soon!