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A new Grimdark month has started and it promises so many plot twists, you'll leave with more questions than answers!  

So, what can I say about the Alpha Legion?  Well first off, they are one of the trickiest legions to write about.  When done well, they can come off looking really cool.  When done poorly, they can look like a convoluted mess.  It's also impossible to say anything definitive about the Alpha Legion because the authors have a bulletproof tactic of saying 'it's all a lie' if the lore becomes too inconsistent.  Which is brilliant in a cynical sort of way.  

Thankfully, the Alpharius Primarch book is in the awesome category and it is this which I'll draw a lot of revelations from.  Of course Alpharius himself will say his autobiography is a lie but then again he'd say 1+1=2 is a lie.  However, I choose to believe this is more or less an accurate account of his life because there are only so many rabbit holes I'm willing to dive into.  Feel free to switch the names around in the upcoming paragraphs if you believe the 'this is a lie' thing that keeps being brought up.

This summary is also going to contain a lot of spoilers and I mean a lot.  There are also a lot of variations of this story like the heads of a hydra (haha, get it?) but I'll stick to the version that hurts my head the least.  So if you don't want anything revealed, look away sweet summer child because I'm about to drop more bombs than Kryptman did that one time he went off his meds.  

In traditional canon, Alpharius used to be known as the last Primarch discovered.  But Alpharius' biography reveals he's actually the FIRST found.  This is a pretty big deal because the lore always said Horus was the first which is why his bond with the Emperor was reputedly the closest.  

Big E gets Malcador (who is the Grandmaster of Assassins) to teach Alpharius the works.  This means wetwork teams, psyops, and deep-cover sleeper agents.  Which means at the beginning of the Great Crusade, Alpharius was already in charge of the 'Shadow Legion' (Alpha Legion with a different name) maintaining order on compliant worlds and soften up noncompliant planets for the other legions to conquer.

Alpharius also has the ability to pass himself off as a normal legionary.  This is a combination of him apparently being shorter than his brothers and some sort of innate psychic technique where Alpharius can alter others' perception of him.  He actually met several of his brothers at their rediscovery while disguised as one of their legion.  So when an Alpha Legionnaire 'I am Alpharius' it's not guaranteed to be BS. 😲

Anyways, Alpharius eventually discovered Omegon on a Xenos infested world where he had been killing Slaught.  Turns out Omegon already wearing a sweet set of armour called the Pythian Scales and wielding the Pale Spear (which is apparently a Necron weapon). This is when they decide to introduce another plot twist into the intrigue.  Alpharius and Omegon switch roles including their names.  The newly discovered Omegon becomes the 'figurehead' of the legion and Alpharius keeps his identity hidden.  Calling them by their fake names is going to get really confusing so I'm just going to keep calling Alpharius Alpharius and vice versa.  It was Omegon who then goes to meet Horus (introducing himself as Alpharius) on the Vengeful Spirit so Horus officially 'rediscovers' the last Primarch.  

For awhile the Alpha Legions does what it does best, messing up enemy intelligence and conquering planets by sowing discord and confusion.  They are largely hated by the other Legions for their 'underhanded tactics' but Horus always appreciated what they brought to the table.  During the Great Crusade, the two Primarchs are contacted by Xenos Illuminati called the Cabal.  They are given visions of the Horus Heresy and a warning that if the Emperor wins it, humanity is doomed but if Horus wins, Chaos loses.  Long story short one believes it and the other doesn't and they subtly start working against each other.  

The Alpha Legion does a lot of stuff during the Horus Heresy including participating the Dropsite Massacre and messing with the Raven Guard but their main event was to have one Primarch infiltrate Terra to test its defences.  As always, there is speculation which one it is but I'm going with the real Omegon in my version.  To put it lightly, this did not go as planned as Dorn had their number all along.  My thoughts on Omegon's encounter with Dorn can be summarized as 'Oh, Omegon will need to call Iron Hands tech support now...no wait, nevermind.' 😅

Yeah, Omegon's dead, don't let Alpha Legion fans tell you otherwise.  The true Alpharius could sense his twin's death and takes back control as the Legion's figurehead (remember he's cosplaying as Omegon all this time).  The operation wasn't a complete failure because the Alpha Legion took back valuable defence information to Horus.  However, this also allowed Dorn to shore up Terra's defences where weaknesses were revealed (which may or may not have been the real point of the Alpha Legion's operation in the first place).      

Phew, is your head spinning yet?  So to summarize, the Alpha Legion are kind of in the same boat as the Dark Angels.  Some are trying to help the Imperium, some are trying to undermine it.  None of them knows what's really going on.  

And what happened to Alpharius after the Horus Heresy?  Well apparently he was killed by Roboute Guilliman during the Scouring but nobody believes that including the Ultramarines because they couldn't even verify it was Alpharius.  In reality it's hard to say but I do have my suspicions:

Career Highlights:

  • Alpharius actually introduced the Custodes to the Blood Games.  This means getting individual Custodes to try and breach the Imperial Palace to assassinate the Emperor.  They'd never do it of course but depending how successful each Custodes is in their infiltration, they will expose weaknesses in the Palace's defences.
  • Alpharius actually killed a Custodes and cosplayed him in front of Constantin Valdor to prove his point that they need better security.
  • Alpharius and Omegon have an interesting ability that let's their Legionaries become temporarily Primarch tier.  If one of them drinks the Primarch's blood, they will get their Primarch's abilities and memories for awhile (demonstrated in a short story called The Serpent Beneath).
  • The same story is basically a huge operation to warn the White Scars about the upcoming Horus Heresy.  They manipulate events to get the Khan to listen to Rogal Dorn's message and get back to Terra.

So appearance wise, these Primarchs get some really cool looking scale armour with Hydra motif.  Alpharius and Omegon are described as being one soul in two bodies and in outward appearance, they are supposed to be physically indistinguishable.  Which means I could just clone one Alpharius design and call the other Omegon but that seems really lazy.  So I'll try to introduce some minor variations to their armor.  

Okay, next up is Little Horus and my take on the Nightbringer.  Stayed tuned!




This model alone will be worth a years Patreon fees


So Alpha


You're welcome! Glad you're favourite Primarchs are getting done this month! 👍

Tim Thornhill

Very cool, I knew nothing of Alpha Legion before this and you inspired me to read into it Just wondering, is the title of this post a Red Dwarf quote from your perspective? It is an exact Cat quote, but not sure if it has other known precedents (i love Red Dwarf and would consider it the most awesome thing ever if you would grace the crew with your sculpture work one scifi month )


Thanks, I'm glad the summary made you interested in the Alpha Legion! 👍 Nope, I didn't even know it was a Red Dwarf quote. I just thought it sounded funny. 😄


It’s worth coming here just for your write-ups.


Realy looking forward to what exciting pose you will create! I already like the forge world version and I´m sure yours will be great, I joined this patreon mostly for the wonderfull Emperor and Primarchs. As I´m working on my display of them all, would you someday create a Damnatio Memoriae/Excommunicate Traitoris placeholder for the missing primarchs?


Thanks, I'm glad you're looking forward to them! 👍 That's a pretty cool idea actually, if that suggestion wins a poll I will do it!


Very cool... slight tangent did we ever get the 'full scale' files for the warmaster titan?


Thanks! 👍 It's not ready yet, but I am working at it on the side. I'm trying to get the Big E vs Khorne Diorama done as a priority.


is the alpha posted for download or not done yet?

Christopher Fry

This looks awesome! It'd be awesome if you include this with a diorama base option where you can have both Alpharius and Omegon standing back-to-back in epic poses.


Thanks, I'm glad you like it! Cool idea, I'll try and see what I can do! 👍