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The latest Fantasy Poll is here!  All items are taken from the Fantasy Suggestion Box.  It is a combination of new items and popular items from last round that did not win.  Here's the link to all the items in the poll (attached to post as well).

I will choose the top n items, n to be determined by how complicated the top items are.

The poll will be open until September 29th, 6:00PM EDT.  Enjoy!


Taylored Printers

Come on, lets's give Jon Snow/Targaryen some love here.


Soul Catcher, from some of the best novels ever written! Black Company by Glen Cook. **GOD** if this doesn't win, I may need to have a custom commission done...

Erik Johnson

I would love to see Serra, but would also love a version with wings that could pass for a Serra Angel


Samurai! We get a lot of beautiful girl figures (NOT complaining!), the Samurai is different from most everything done so far. :)


Quite a few I like this time, good stuff. Lets hope Bella makes it, currently using that art for one of my D&D characters :D


Fingers crossed for Morgoth Vs Fingolfin, that'd be amazing to see

Vex (Mark) Vocalord

Bella and Morgana. His style would absolutely slay with those.


Both Morgoth and Fingolfin from 3DAG? This would be the best release ever next to the Emperor himself!


Morgoth and Fingolfin would be a must, and a way to counter all the grumbling with Amazon Ring of Power:)