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New poses are here!  So for Raistlin and his posse, I thought I'd let them channel their inner Palpatine.  As I understand it, he becomes more evil as the story progresses.  And I did see him make a palette swap on the book covers so I'm totally convinced. 👍 Now you can scream 'ultimate power!' during a D&D session while your wizard destroys everything on the board.  DM rage may follow.  On a side note, I've always imagined other D&D classes struggling with an inferiority complex because they know the adventurer in the funny hat can obliterate them with some weird hand gestures.  Hopefully one day, there will be a movie that can show just how insanely powerful wizards should be.  That upcoming D&D movie probably won't to do it though.  BTW, anyone wonder why Star Trek actors are always in D&D stuff?

So for the Bloodborne Hunter, I did a pose where he can do some target practice.  After looking through some of the game's monsters I settled on the Brainsucker.  Real subtle Bloodborne.  Do you have an 'owl on steroids' in your bestiary as well? 😄 Anyways, I picked the Mind Flayer because there's a certain irony seeing the monster that sucks brains have its own ejected out of its skull.

The Sci Fi poll is still up so feel free to cast your vote!






Is that a Malcador variant I see? Very good job either way! Keep up the good work!

Johnny Turbo

Gandalf is still rocking the sorting hat I see. He also doesn't seem the type to give anything the old Palpatine, but It'll make for a fun print.


The gross thing is the Brainsucker in Bloodborne is actually a parasite that rips through the skull to feed 😜 Cannot wait to print and paint the Hunter, it looks incredible!


The hood and hat on the wizards look a little too... bulky... like they have giant heads under there. Hood/hatless, though? Phenomenal!

Simone Spinozzi

very neat! Now i wonder if one can print with clear resin 🤔


Haha, yeah I'll make some final adjustments to Gandalf's hat. I guess fire is more Gandalf's style? 😄


Thanks! 👍 I'll see if the hood needs adjustments but I don't want to make it look like their too small. 😄


Nice poses though Raistlin is too musclar


Thanks! I'll see if I can adjust his face to look more frail. 👍


I do it all the time First thing make sure the inner cavity can contain the lights you want if you plan to light it up. Either way print away. Secondly, mask what you want to stay transparent and paint the rest. Thirdly, use the cavity and/or base to hide the non-light parts for the LED. Lastly, sit back and enjoy your work, and take a few pics in case you think someone else will enjoy it as well. My last finished one I did was a bust of Darkseid, in his grey and blue tones, with emergency orange cracks running all over his body when lit up. currently during a hand-held skull candle holder and a light-up candle as a prop. Almost finished the painting then I am in the thirdly stage.


That'll be great! 😁BTW I showed your Hunter to some Bloodborne fans and they thought it hot

Thomas Williams

It could always be Raistlin after he basically kills everyone and take on some of Caramons characteristics


When Raistlin traveled back in time, the effects of the curse were removed (since in the timeline, the curse hadn't been cast yet), until he returned to the future. Then removed once again after he kills Takhisis and assumes her god mantle.