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The next Fantasy WIP is here!  First up is the Bloodborne hunter.  The wiki says he is a blank slate until the player chooses his origin story.  But at some point in their life, the Hunter becomes afflicted with an unspecified disease and travels to Yharnam, an ancient city known for housing an old medical remedy which is said to cure any disease. Iosefka calls the Hunter "paleblood", and, on a note near the clinic, mentions are made of the need to find paleblood to "transcend the hunt."  I haven't played the game yet but by all accounts it's excellent.  Sometimes I lament the fact I make analogues for games I haven't had time to experience. 😭

Next up is Raistlin Majere of Dragonlance fame and my personal pick this month.  Ah, wizards, one of the main staples of any fantasy setting.  From the humble apprentice who struggles to shoot one magic missile to the terrifying arch mages that can bend the laws of physics to their will.  Raistlin definitely fits into the latter category and is said to be the most powerful wizard in his setting.  He is one of the famed Heroes of the Lance, and was directly responsible for the defeat of the Queen of Darkness and her dragonarmies during the War of the Lance, although his part in that was largely to further his own ends.  

So I've never read the books but I chose Raistlin because I really wanted to do include wizards into a Fantasy month (how have I not done them before?) and it gives fans of the books something to root for.  Plus it's very easy to use the baseline wizard costume to morph into other characters which I shall demonstrate.  Want a surprise addition of  Gandalf from Lord of the Rings?  Here you go! I'll remove all that extra Raistlin gear in Gandalf's final version and give him the proper staff.

Finally one more addition that I'm sure 40K fans will like. Again, sorry to Fantasy community members for letting 40K sneak into your month but you've got to strike while the iron is hot.  Yes, it's that badass grampa Malcador the Sigillite, second in importance within the Imperium only to the Emperor Himself.  I won't get into detail about Malcador since this is Fantasy month but here are some highlights:

  • Last member of 40K's version of the Illuminati.
  • Organized all the beauracracy/administration in the Imperium.  Also founded and was head of the Assassinorium.
  • Second most powerful psker in the galaxy and could easily put Primarchs in a timeout as Horus discovered to his embarrassment.  Lorgar is lucky Malcador didn't beat the piss out of him during one of his frequent tantrums.
  • Laid the groundwork for the Grey Knights and founded the Inquisition.  He probably doesn't want to take credit for the last point, the Inquisition is a trainwreck.  The only good members are him, him, her and maybe him.
  • Gave Big E enough time to smack Horus out of existence during the Siege of Terra at the cost of his own life by sitting on the Golden Throne.  Got a tank named after him for his efforts.

Okay, characters this month are fleshed which means poses are next.  Stay tuned!




You went down the Dragon Lance Hole now buddy.. You have to do them all.. !


YES! YES! Three for one! I'm so happy to see three of my favorite wizards!!! Especially Raistlin and Malcador. I knew Malcador doesn't exist before Horus Heresy novel, but he's a really interesting character and perfect ly fit in the WH40K background.


The WiP Gandalf also reminds me of some of the older art for Elminster

Johnny Turbo

Gandalf is wearing the sorting hat as well I see.


The wizard's hands are a bit large, but he's looking REALLY good. For the record, if you ever decide you just HAVE to do another Wizard, Elminster makes a FANTASTIC stereotypical "old man wizard." (...aaaaaaand, now I'm singing "Old Man Wizard" in my head to the tune of "Old Man River....")


Definitely, Elminster is the poster wizard for the Forgotten Realms! 👍

Taylored Printers

Loving it, can't wait to see you slap the classic staff head for our boy Malcador


Raistlin is awesome!!! The older one makes for a great Fizban.

Christopher DiViaio

I would love to see your take on Kholek Suneater

Joe Beddoe

See I thought the "Galdalf" was Fistandantilus (sp?). Raistlin is looking amazing. I can't wait to see the final product!