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Diorama time, and there can only be one fitting for this month's characters!

Fulgrim vs the Avatar of Khaine.  Yes, this actually happened during the Horus Heresy and it started with a bit of Eldar diplomacy.  It will not surprise you to learn that Eldar diplomacy in the books is atrocious because it almost always results in dead bodies.  They really don't understand the concept, probably due to their superiority complex.  

Anyways, Eldrad Uthran, (the only Eldar character I can ever remember) met face to face with Fulgrim to deliver a warning for the Emperor.  Basically he said, Chaos is bad and Horus is totally going to backstab the Imperium.  Unsurprisingly, Fulgrim took this news pretty badly.  By this point, that pesky Daemon sword had a pretty good hold on Fulgrim and goaded him to kill Eldrad and his entourage.  Eldrad, despite being his race's premiere space wizard couldn't see the damn Greater Daemon of Slaanesh right in front of him.  This seems to be a pattern with this character.  He was also blind as a bat before his 'gobbled by Slaanesh' retcon so yay for consistency I guess.  

Anyways, Eldar diplomacy went tits up as usual and it culminated with them summoning an Avatar of Khaine to take on Fulgrim.  Fulgrim wins because one of the books actually says 'Only a Primarch can kill another Primarch.'  If it's any consolation to the Eldar fans, I'm pretty sure Khaine took out some redshirts before inevitably succumbing to Primarch plot armour. 😄

BTW, you might think the post title is hyperbolic but I can assure you it doesn't take much to set Fulgrim off.  The Phoenician makes statues as a hobby and once asked a human sculptor what he thought of them.  The guy said Fulgrim's statues were 'too perfect' like in an uncanny valley sort of way.  Fulgrim got super pissed and eventually ended up killing him.  Ironically the human sculptor's statues were better than Fulgrim's precisely because they were not exact replicas of their subject.  Oh yeah, he also made a sculpture of the Emperor which Chaos corrupted Fulgrim did not appreciate.  

So for Fulgrim's melee pose, I went with a more flamboyant style vs the traditional attack poses for Primarchs.  Fulgrim is definitely one of those fighters that prioritizes style over substance (y'know with flashy pirouettes and dazzling flourishes of the blade to intimidate his opponents).  I'm not saying this is a good fighting technique.  Fulgrim tried this shit with Rogal Dorn and the Praetorian turned Fulgrim's face into a Picasso painting.  Then Fulgrim tried to flex on Dorn by turning into his giant snake form.  But the Phoenician rolled a natural one on his intimidate check and slinked away like a whipped dog.  

The community asked for it so I've included a Fireblade option for Fulgrim.  For Khaine I went with a hand outstretched pose so you can kitbash that dripping blood on his hand if you so choose.  Sister poses are next!  There are also a bunch of other surprises in store as well.  Stay tuned!  




.......... (Speechless)

Ciaphas Cain

Man, I hope when you get around to Ferrus Manus you make a diorama for THAT battle. Would be most choice.


Man these are both great! I really liked Fulgrim the book. I know a lot of people didn't care for it. It was a great break at the time from the ones that came before it. Anyway, I really look forward to printing these!


Very in love with Fulgrim's helmet.


Thanks! 👍 I really liked the book. Everyone has their own preferences. 😄


Very true. My favorite part had to be the birth of the Noise Marines. They don't get enough love in the 40k universe. 🤘


This is awesome! The detail on Fulgrim's aromour is so intricate, you've done great! And the Avatar's face/helmet is really cool. I still feel like the Avatar could still be a little more lithe. I could perhaps elongate some of the parts slightly when printing. PS: Any chance of getting the Traitor Primarchs in Daemon Prince form?


I think his Fulgrim head should be facing down more towards the avatar.


Yeah, that was a very visceral scene! They definitely need more screen time! 😄👍


Yeah, I'll need to make some final adjustments to his melee pose in general. 👍


Thanks! 👍 I'll check again but based on the concepts, he is pretty buff in general. If Daemon Primarchs ever win the poll, I'll definitely do them.


So I'm checking since I've got the old 3D printer working again. Am I correct that of the 18 and Daddy you have made: Ruler, Berserker, Knight, Viking and now Mr. Perfect? Additional question, did you ever create a standing, unsundered version of Knight's two headed bird friend?


That sounds about right! 👍 Sorry, but I never made a standing version.


That’s one nice looking battle diorama.

Simone Spinozzi

Ah, yes, beautiful, Jonathan Joestar vs Bluford... hmm... *checks notes* no, wait... Jokes aside, it looks great! Thanks.