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Here comes the most heretical update yet!  So I'd just like to say that Chaos Sisters of Battle are not really a thing.  The number that turn traitor is so infinitesimally small, it might as well be zero.  They certainly have a much better track record than the Space Marines.  Remember that time when they lost 30 chapters to Chaos because the Inquisition is terrible at their job?  Way to do Malcador proud people.  Seriously, how did no one in the Ordo Hereticus think sending them to the Eye of Terror was a disaster just waiting to happen?  I mean that is some Mr. Bean levels of oversight right there.

What was I saying?  Oh yeah, Sisters are basically incorruptible.  But unless your a Custodes, Grey Knight or Sister of Silence/Blank, Chaos will find a way because all it needs is time.  You can cover yourself from head to toe in purity seals and take daily baths in holy water but the Archenemy will eventually find a weakness to exploit.  Getting the average underhive scum to turn to Chaos is not an achievement, most of them would sell their own mothers for a donut.  But to get one of the truly faithful to become a turncoat?  Well, that would be a feather in any dark god's cap.

Here's the playbook for each of the Ruinous Powers to get new recruits:

  • Khorne makes warriors succumb to their bloodlust until they can't get out of rage mode.
  • If you're a Machiavellian schemer, you automatically worship/are a pawn of Tzeentch no matter how much you deny it.  
  • Nurgle makes you suffer so much that you sell your soul to take away the pain.
  • The less said about how Slaanesh does it the better.  

There has only been one official case where a Sister went to the team Chaos and she hasn't been mentioned in years.  Probably because anyone who knows about it has been sent on an Inquisition paid trip to Belize.  But don't worry Sister players, your faith in the Emperor and the Armour of Contempt will be more than enough to protect you!

Anyways, I designed the Khorne/Nurgle sisters to the style most pleasing to their respective gods.  Nurgle is probably my favourite of the Ruinous Powers simply for the sheer variety of abominations he creates.  Remember kids, the Inquisition may burn you alive because you've become a walking sewer but Nurgle loves you no matter what! 🤗

Got a shooting pose update for Fulgrim as well.  The Phoenician has an archeotech Volkite pistol so I made something similar to that.  I also gave him a mirror so he can admire himself while committing mass xenocide.  Thanks to HalZyr's for suggesting it!  By the Emperor, if Fulgrim gets any more smug, I'm going to smash my own monitor. 😄

The Fantasy poll will be up in a couple of days.  Please have your suggestions in before then.  Thanks!




To be honest. The nurgle sister is not my choice. Its more like slime sister. And the tongue again. The hair... Anyway it's just me And my Honest opinion. But great job as always 👍👍👍


Looks like the Star Trek Salt Vampire

Johnny Turbo

The mirror pose is amazing. Maybe he could be shaking his hair out or running his fingers through it as though fixing it to look even better. Fingers crossed for Fireblade.


Thanks! 👍 Yeah she does look like a slime monster as I did wanted to differentiate her from the Khorne sister.


Thanks! Haha, can't promise the running fingers through hair pose but I'll definitely include the alternate sword! 👍

Joe Beddoe

I've always thought the chaos gods were human concepts taken to 11, the most extreme version possible. Khorne is the concept of martial honor and skill in combat. Crank that up to 11 and you get blüd for the blüd god (yawn) Tzeentch is change and progress. Nurgle is -- believe it or not -- hope and renewal. "Everything dies, Mr. Mulder," and if everything that died never decayed the world would very, very quickly be covered in corpses. Slaanesh is the only chaos god that makes sense, really. If you have to rise to glory under a chaos faction, Slaanesh is the one to go with. There are hot girls (with claws), the loudest, most rocking metal you've ever heard, and killer (literally) drugs. Seriously, though, Slaanesh is the drive to succeed, turned up to the point that it becomes an obsession. Obsession leads to excess. Excess leads you straight into the Court of the Dark Prince(cess). Fulgrim's obsession with perfection is a good example. ...which is why Slaanesh, though the youngest, is probably the strongest. When the other gods' followers are obsessed with claiming more skulls, scheming more schemes, or delivering that new plague...it serves Slaanesh. Even the other gods are not immune. Plus, there are cookies! Don't ask what's in them, you have 30 minutes to get to safety (nowhere is safe).


Yeah, I definitely agree with all the definitions of the Dark Gods you mentioned. Not sure about Slaanesh being the strongest. Everything I've read shows the other three constantly beating down on Slaanesh whenever they feel like it. Nurgle in his weakest state could give Slaanesh a good thrashing. He challenged Slaanesh for Isha and snatched her away, reminding the Dark Prince of the pecking order.

jason young

Small criticisms... too many severed heads on the Khorne sister, can you remove either the one on her belt or her shoulder please... and the nurgle sister, is literally the same as every nurgle model ever.... bloated distended abdomen... is this the only way nurgle models come? Sorry to be the TiPB...


Hi, I'll see what changes are required when the final poses are done for the Khorne sister. Usually by then I have a good idea if something is off and needs to be modified or removed completely. I might just end up removing it if I there is too much going on. For the Nurgle sister, I actually really like the bloated abdomen. It's sort of a distinctive look for Nurgle units which I'm a big fan of. So yeah, I'll be keeping that.


I like the khorne sister with perhaps a few less severed heads as previously said but really not feeling the nurgle one bud, the original concept art one that did the rounds looked really good, sickly yet still retains the subjects beauty in an odd way.. I got a very strong vibe of the trapped girl in aliens what had the chest burster come out of when the marines found them. I'm not sure all nurgle things need to be fat hallions or have a fanged lady bit on their face lol. Please please do not take that as pissing on your parade sir, I think your sculpts are brilliant and even with some stuff that's not my cuppa tea I've stayed a patreon since I found you and intend to for the warhammer style stuff. The primarchs are amazing.


Thanks! 👍 Yeah, no worries I know not everyone will like all my takes. It's just my interpretation of how I think Nurgle will actually corrupt a Sister of Battle.

Simone Spinozzi

Okay, after seeing that gun... i need a pose of Fulgrim holding an hairdrier and doing his best l'oreal impression. That said, love what you did with the nurgle sister, You went out of your way and i really like the results. Now do slaan- [SYSTEM MESSAGE: User Banned]


Dunno if this is the right place for submissions for the next fantasy poll, but here goes: - A member of the Ubershreik Five ("or four, it doesn't matter") from the game Vermintide 2. Maybe even Gigachad Warrior priest Saltzpyre. P.S: Probably got ya a new fan since he's literally drooling at the new choas sister models <3


Cool, glad your buddy likes it! All the suggestion boxes are attached to the Tier Reward pages. Please submit any suggestions there. 👍


The Nurgle sister is brilliantly horrific, but I also like the Khorne sister with the heads of her former comrades.


That must have been some night those two had :-)