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Everyone's favourite flying brick is here!

What's notable about the Thunderhawk apart from its absurd price tag is its role as the primary mode of transporting Space Marines to the battlefield.  It is considered one of the Chapter's most versatile vehicles as it can function as a dropship, a heavy ground attack vehicle or a bomber.  The Thunderhawk has a bigger brother called the Stormbird but that ship was much more costly to maintain on campaigns, whereas the Thunderhawk could be mass produced relatively easily and became popular among all the Legions.  In terms of longevity and usefulness, it's the Thunderhawk that came out on top in the past and current timeline.

The Thunderhawk (and other Space Marine vehicles) also have a reputation among fans as resembling flying bricks due their bulky profile and their absolute contempt for the laws of physics (kind of like Orks now that I think about it).  Then again, trying to put 'sleek' and 'Space Marine' in the same sentence is the quickest way to get a Power Fist to the face.

All jokes aside, the Thunderhawk is a badass vehicle.  There are few things more intimidating to the enemies of the Imperium than this flying brick that drops smaller bricks who proceed to dice you into sushi with chainswords and lightning claws.  🍣

In terms of armaments, the Thunderhawk typically carries 1 dorsal mounted Thunderhawk Cannon, two wing mounted Lascannons, two twin linked heavy bolters on the wings and fuselage and 6 Hellstrike missiles.  That's a lot of dakka. 😄

So I tried to keep the general profile of the Thunderhawk but changed a lot of the details for obvious reasons.  It will definitely have to be cut up to reflect the tabletop scale.

Okay, all the characters have been fleshed out so now it's onto character poses!  The Fantasy Month Poll will also be up in about a week or so.  Please put your suggestions in before then.  Thanks!




Hey 3DAG and Andrew. Adding upvote for this request! I have wanted the Thoonderhuwk Transpooter for years. Got a model that is floating out there, but it's 80% there. Where do you add the suggestion?


OMG! Incredible.

Tim Thornhill

Can't wait to print this out a couple times and customize the heck out of it for both my mortifactors and my death guard, I can't warrant kit bashing a gw one but have had ideas floating around my mind for many years which I can now bring to life Thank you

Gareth Hutton

Amazing work yet again

Johnny Turbo

After hearing the latest news about this I'm interested to see the changes, but sad that it had to happen.

Joe Beddoe

There's a saying: "If you give it enough thrust, even a brick will fly." :)

Joe Beddoe

Seriously, though, you've managed to out-Thunderhawk the Thunderhawk, and that's freakin' awesome!!

Akihisa Futjimoto

Please include a full model file for shrinking it and using it for dyarama or even 10mm scale. :)


This is gorgeous and it does look mean. Then for your next trick … can we have the old Thunderhawk transporter that is OoP? I loved the idea of dropping a fully loaded Land Raider Crusader right in the middle of the board, but could never justify the cost of the model.


Hi, can you add it as a suggestion? I'll add it to the next Grimdark poll.