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Diorama time!  So I was combing through some of the HZD concepts and noticed that one of the most powerful enemies you can encounter is the Thunderjaw (Their version of the T-Rex as far as I can tell).  And I basically thought, 'Hey, wouldn't that would look cool if Aloy could bag it as a trophy?'  So this month's diorama has her standing victorious over its decapitated head.  Nothing says badass like taking down a giant laser shooting robot, right? 😄

Got one more update for the Doom Slayer.  It was brought to my attention that he actually had a pet rabbit before the hell invasion.  With that in mind, I came up with a pose that I think most Doom fans will find epic/funny.

The two Grimdark Polls are still running so feel free to cast your votes!




Absolutely Stunning work 10/10

Johnny Turbo

Wow, that base is amazing. You do some fantastic Mecha sculpts, such as that huge Alita Robo-Wolf. I'd love to see your take on Zentradi or Invid stuff from Macross.

Matt Becker

Well that's awesome. I was kind of 50/50 on Aloy but with the diorama, I'm totally printing that.


awesome !


well, that is something!!! you nailed it!


might be a dumb question, and I apologize if so, but I'm new here. Is this just an update saying this diorama is coming or is it already in the downloads? (there's so much I was a bit overwhelmed at first glance) Keep up the good work!