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A new update is here and it's a great opportunity to show Drizzt and Guenhwyvar in action!  Like I mentioned before, the dynamic duo have faced uncountable challenges together.  They survived the unspeakable horrors of the Underdark, killed at least one dragon and slaughtered entire generations of orcs.  Only Gruumsh knows how many of their offspring they have orphaned.  Other achievements including defeating a major drow incursion and sending most of Drizzt's benighted family to see the Spider Queen.  And trust me, no one wants to meet Lolth.  😄 I can't remember a specific story where they fight against the undead but I'm sure they'll get there eventually.  I also took the time to add more detail to Drizzt's clothing - got to make it really pop!  

As promised, I gave Nagash a startup army he can command.  All the classics including a banshee, yikes!  Plus Nagash is actually much more powerful than I first thought.  In Age of Sigmar, he can literally collect and command the soul of anyone who dies, so in theory his armies are endless.  One minute, your buddy could be fighting alongside you, the next his corpse is stabbing you in the back. 😲

Still working on the secret Ciri diorama, will show that towards the end of the month.  The Sci Fi Poll is up right now, so feel free to cast your vote! 




Looks good but Guenhwyver looks a bit stiff..


I can't wait for this one. Drizzt is my all-time favorite!!!


Yeah, I'm not completely satisfied with Guenhwyvar's look either yet. I need to fine tune her proportions and address the stiffness issue you mentioned. 👍


Nice work, man. May Milikki bless you!


Excellent as usual

Simone Spinozzi

oh! this came out neat... the panther is a bit in the uncanny valley with those legs but since this is a WIP i guess that will be corrected. Curious to see how stuff like jumps and flying heads will be handled in the end.


Thanks! 👍 Yeah, I need to do some proportion adjustments for Guenhwyvar.

Erik Johnson

I say it every time, but I'll say it again - WOW! Drizzt gives me a Henry Cavill vibe (that's a good thing), and the undead models are stellar! Especially that wraith! first one I've seen that's actually scary.

Kinslord Mpf

Dritzz and Gwen !!!!! I've been waiting for them for a long time. They are ... they are .. as R.A. Salvatore created them! Perfect! 54 o 75 mm diorama on the way.