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Sci Fi Month is here and I'm starting with my favorite character from the poll!  Commander Shepard is the main protagonist from the original Mass Effect Trilogy.  As Commander of the SSV Normandy, the games take you on an arching plot to fight the mysterious Reapers who come to exterminate life in the galaxy every 50,000 years.  In each game, you get to explore different ancient civilizations, alien politics and choices that have long term consequences.  Great series, great characters and definitely a must play for a fan of the sci fi genre.  We're going with the female version this month and I've tried to stick to her iconic armor and weapons style.  Look forward to seeing her kicking some serious ass in the next updates!

Fun fact for newer patrons, did you know I made Princess Liara back when I started doing this?  She's still in the welcome pack!

Next is Samus from the Metroid series.  I've never played a single Metroid game (well, maybe the original NES version) so I really don't know that much about her.  Highlights of her career are the destruction of the Space Pirate base on Zebes, her role in ending the Galactic Phazon crisis, her extermination of the Metroid species, and destroying the deadly X Parasites rather than turn them over to the Galactic Federation.  Apparently a new Metroid game just dropped recently, so that probably helped her in the polls.  I do really like her bulbous armor design although I've noticed each generation her shoulder pads seem to go lower (I thought that was the series' selling point).  I'll see what poses work for her.

Started working on Master Chief and I think it's doable this month.  Will post WIPs when he's more fleshed out.  Stay tuned!



Ben Seddon

Charging the canon arm pose for Samus is iconic so I recommend that


Are there different weapon options planed for Shepard?


oh my! love that "nanosuit effect", expecially on Shepard!


Anyway, in the future Krogans and Geths (Legion, of course) will be desperately needed

Red Knows Rain

Those look amazing, especially Shepard. Her hands look like they're missing holding on to things that go "bang" and make Grunt laugh. :-)


can we get male Shepard ? most people tend to play as him and hes pretty iconic


Great stuff again. How about some different hair styles for Femshep?


I do have some poses in mind for her with the rifle and omni tool at least.


Thanks! 👍 Shepard's definitely going to do some things with her hands. 😄


Sorry, probably not this month. The suggestion was for a female Shepard and I'll need to do the other characters as well. I'd rather do one version of Shepard well than two versions poorly.


Thanks! Not a bad idea, I'll see if there's any room for that. 👍


I'm so happy femshep made it and she looks so stunning! 😍


Good one! Femshep would be a nice gift for a lady I know.


that is stunning

TwoHeavens. Esq

Absolutely stellar! Does the Welcome Pack exist in any format on MMF? That's how we get most rewards, and while I have the welcome pack safely tucked away on a hard drive I'd hate to lose something if I have to stop backing for some reason.


Hi, I only started adding things to MMF Reward Links in April 2021. I haven't had time to add the older stuff there. I barely have time to package everything per month now.


Hope U consider the Master Chief with the Sniper Rifle weapon option🙏🏻🙇🏻‍♂️🙌🏻