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Hi everyone,

I'd like to show a preview for November's Fantasy Month characters!

First we have an ancient dragon.  He loves hoarding treasure and burning murder hobo- righteous monster slayers who want to steal his ill gotten gains for themselves.  The dragon comes in two versions as well as a treasure diorama to show the riches he has accumulated.  Perfect for a DM to plan a classical dragon encounter!

We also have the assassin, who takes contracts from the highest bidder.  Whether it's gutter trash, mighty rulers or that neighbor you hate, the assassin doesn't care who she kills as long as the coin is good.  She comes with a sneaking pose and a pose showing what she does best.  

These are a few of the items that will be available to patrons starting in November.  I am also working on a greatsword wielding fighter who will face off against the dragon.

This patreon is dedicated to making what the fans want.  Every project is based on community suggestions and voting.  It covers all genres from Fantasy, SciFi Alternative and Grimdark.  



Jeffrey Ernst

Looks like Smaug and Lilliana.


The female commisar exist only in 50 mm sale? Not in 100 mm?


What will the scale be ?

Joe Beddoe



These are good. You absolutely keep knocking it out of the park.

Erik Johnson

These are amazing. But uh…. I hate to be THAT guy but in the one with the king the dagger is turned the wrong way around. She’d have to have cut his throat with the back of it. My wife and I just spent a few minutes trying to make it work the way you have it and while it is physically *possible*, it’s VERY awkward to do it that way. ☺️


Hmm, you might be onto something. I'll have to double check that. Thanks! 👍

Tim Thornhill

Finally a dragon model that I have no reservations about and can call absolutely awesome! There are some really good dragons out there, but maybe I'm picky, I always get put off by some aspects of them. Your dragon is spectacular! I can't wait to get this sculpture printed and painted to take its prideful position in my mini cabinet. Thank you for creating the dragon of my dreams.