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As promised, here is another Commissar update and what better opportunity to show the thing they do best!  I mentioned at the beginning that Commissars have the authority to execute Imperial Guard for a variety of reasons.  But the majority are field executions for guardsmen who try to flee the battlefield.  These men and women have disgraced themselves in the eyes of the Emperor and justice must be swift so herd mentality doesn't infect everyone else on the field.  And believe me, they are scarily effective in this role.  Commissars are trained to be crack shots so they can instantly bring their justice in any battlefield condition.  Have you ever heard of someone outdrawing a Commissar?  No, because everyone who tried has had their heads turned into hamburger helper.  

They must also have a eagle eye for the first signs that a guardsman will turn tail and run.  Even the bravest in the setting will succumb to terror because the future is messed up, like really really messed up.  For in the grim darkness of the far future, the only way that humanity can survive is making sure the underlings fear their superiors more than the enemy.  The only exception to this rule are the Death Korps of Krieg, who are more likely to shoot the commissar for ordering a 'tactical withdrawal' or similar nonsense.  

As a side note, the commissar was one of my favorite units to use in DOW expansions.  Only in those games will having your squad mate's head blown off restore morale.  I even tried decimating an entire squad out of morbid curiosity to see if the commissar would suffer a case of 'friendly fire' (sadly, no).  Anyways, I thought it'd be cool if players had the option to put a mini on the board to represent a commissar offing a unit (There are rules on the tabletop for the commissar doing this, right?)

One more major update for Lelith coming up!  The Fantasy poll is still up so feel free to cast your vote if you haven't already!




Looks great! Commissars in the the tabletop game I believe can execute a model in a squad to give them a reroll for the morale test. After all, fear inspires loyalty!


Even a Commissar fears a Krieg with his shovel!


Oh wow well she is going to be based for sure ha :-P curious what scale is she in? I know you usually have options from the past :-) In fact I just finished printing most of one of the older models and wow it is amazing! I just got my printer settings dialled in and the difference is massive! Your work is just showing through so well. Many thanks

Colonel Overkill

Most slicers can change scale without loss in detail unless you blow up a model massively. I have taken his 28mm and printed them at 152mm scale without issue.

Colonel Overkill

You know what they say, a brain is a terrible thing to paste. Or I think thats how that went...eh close enough.

TwoHeavens. Esq

Oh gosh! I wish I could get two battle ready version of those guardsmen too! They look amazing!


Thanks! 👍 Sorry, but I only designed those two in this particular pose.


Nice^^, pls more wh40k. Maybe...Soldiers from Krieg? :)


That looks suitably gruesome. Nicely done.


I love the art as always, but is this a part of something or just made up? Sorry for my ignorance.


Hi, it's a depiction of a very common scenario in the Imperial Guard. Commissars in 40K frequently execute the soldiers who run away from the battlefield.