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The latest Fantasy Poll is here!  All items are taken from the Fantasy Suggestion Box.  It is a combination of new items and popular items from last round that did not win.  Here's the link to all the items in the poll (attached to post as well).

I will choose the top n for next month's project, n to be determined by how complicated the top items are.  I also have the Armoured Berserker half done so that will factor into how many I choose this month.  

The poll will be open until September 28th, 10:00am EDT.  Enjoy!


Saúl Wiscovich Torres

Had to vote for Raistlin, Elric and the dwarf spelljammer.


Raistlin and Agrias. <3


Ah, I so want the Lady of Pain to win!


Several good suggestions here. Lady of Pain really brings back Planescape: Torment nostalgia.

Thomas Sholar

Come on, Morgoth Bagluir, the hated ememy. That would be so sick. Let's do it!


Go Lady of Pain! So many memories of our Sigil based D&D campaign in college.


This would be the only Moorcock related print ive seen so i got to go with Elric. Sorry Agrias


Warhammer stuff definitely not faring well in this poll. So I’m really hoping for Smaug. And if you could scale him to be similar to the new huge Age of Sigmar Dragon Models, I would appreciate it!


A lot of love for this Raven Rogue. What is it from? Seen a few good Drizzts out there already


i really want drizzt


Morgoth or Settra, so many cool ideas


This is pretty much a tie between Elric and Raistlin for me. Selecting either one also counts as a vote for the other, right? I guess I'll have to give my vote some more thought.


Wow. I didn’t catch the spelljammer drawer citadel option till now, but dammit people put your votes on that! I want to see some 3dartguy vehicles!!!


I'm sorry. But something a bit more sophisticated and intricate. Ursalla the Mourner. Love the color and the designs would be a great challenge. Everybody does dragons and elves and such to death. My second choice would be the assassin, and then the renaissance mercenary. However, any of the other leaders would be fine with me too. I have wide interests, and I love your work, whatever you do.

Iris Baur

O my god, Elric of Melniboné, o my god, please!! ❤


Go team Smaug!

Simone Spinozzi

Yeah, aside from the lady of pain all that i voted seem to be not very popular. This often makes me question my tastes. 🤣 Soooo i voted for: • Giant Lizard Warrior - i honestly think this works well with your style of sculpting and would allow you to make reusable assets in a different style. • Gnome Explorer - To be fair this is a body type i have not seen you do and also it could be interesting. • Gorilla chief - Nah, this just looked cool. • Harrower - i get this was portrayed as some "harrow deck connected" thing from pathfinder but i like the art of Marie Magny and honestly artistic scarification is a cool concept. • Lady of Pain - Sorry, but this fits your style to a tee and also i am curious to see you work with decorated clothing once again. • Merfolk - i like this one. It looks like an octopus trying to imitate the face of a human. • Riding Stones - Oh, art from Oleg Vdovenko about the Hunter universe, though these are called simply "riders" and the lore behind them is... leeeeet's forget about it, it is a cool concept, and i'd definitively like to check it out. • Dwarven Citadel - uh... my submission so it gets my vote. 🤣 • Castlevania Striga - just a neat thing! Dig the looks and the sword. • Tribal monk - same as above. Looks cool.


agrias , raven rogue and smaug for me :3

Joe Beddoe

I would commit an atrocity for a good Elric in The Sinking City: https://www.michaelwhelan.com/shop/elric-and-sinking-city/


The "Tribal Monk" is an update on the design of the classic D&D cartoon character "Diana" the Acrobat. That artist has done updates on all the characters and they're excellent. I'd love to see a series of models based on those characters. :)


Well i was not expecting Elric. Blood and souls for my Lord Arioch then.


Check out the attachment at the bottom of this post or the link in the description so you can get a good visual


Come on Drizzt! I can't wait!

Ramiro Carrasco Jr.

Elric of Melnibone! Please! There are existing models of most in this poll but I don't believe there's any of Elric and I for one would love it. Smaug would be the only other one that excites me.


Yeah, that's why I suggested Elric. Models of drow dual-wielding rangers are plentiful, while Elric is usually a character only taken on by boutique sculpting outfits. Next time, maybe.

Joe Beddoe

The trick is to keep at it -- The Eternal Champion might not make it this time, but there is always next time...