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Got some Alita pose updates!  I know I said the next WIP would be a public preview one but I've decided to delay that for some diorama stuff I'm still working on.

Anyways, since Alita is the main attraction this month, I've given her two poses.  One shows her cheerfully flying around with those sweet, sweet cyber wings.  I think this pose fits her bubbly personality.  And hey, the series is called Battle Angel Alita.  So, make what comes naturally I guess. 😄

The next pose is closer to the concept art I was given, which shows a damaged version of her.  I thought this looked pretty cool so I made a variation where it looked like she just went ten rounds with some deadly opponent.  Her diorama will be centered around this pose.

The Grimdark poll is coming up so stay tuned!




Looking greatm One could acidentally think you do that for a living. :D

Joe Beddoe

I was super-curious about what you were going to do with Alita and I have to say that far, far exceeds my expectations -- so very good!!


Is perfect


Wow! again amazing stuff bud

Simone Spinozzi

Hmmm... neat! Nove the details you have put in there. ❤️


Your work is awesome and consistently good at that.


OMG!! Love it!! May I ask you when we it's gonna be finished? ready to print :D