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Hi everyone,

For the month of July, I am pleased to release the Legendary Figures Pack.  The Desire Demon is an entity formed from the darkest impulses and forbidden gratifications that all mortals crave.  Their forms are many, but all are incredibly vain, their egos matched only by their capacity for violence and sexual undertones.

But to counter such horrors, we have another mythical figure of incalculable might.  His identity is shrouded in mystery but this figure has always been destined to rule.  All demons fear the fire and death that the Ruler will bring to them.   

Tier 3:

  • Ruler Three Single Versions
  • Ruler Parts Three Versions
  • Ruler Terrain
  • Ruler Helmet (Six Versions)
  • Desire Demon Three Single Versions
  • Desire Demon Parts for Version One and Version Two
  • Desire Demon Terrain

Tier 2:

  • Desire Demon Version One Single
  • Desire Demon Terrain
  • Ruler Helmet (Six Versions)

Joining in Tier 3 gives patrons instant access to the Tier 3 welcome pack.  Tier 2 gets a subset of Tier 3 items.  All patrons get a 30-40% discount on items on my MMF storefront!

All designs will have presupports available later in July.  These items will be available in the welcome packs until July 31st.

One of the Ruler helmets is free and can be found here.

This patreon is dedicated to making what the fans want.  Every project is based on community suggestions and voting.  It covers all genres from Fantasy, SciFi Alternative and Grimdark.  This month, I will be making Fantasy style characters (Undead Frozen King, Dark Souls Style Knight and Frisky Librarian).

I would also like to mention a new milestone goal for this patreon.  At 1200 members, I will create a gladiator version of my Dark Elf design, similar to this!



Ben Seddon

I've been a patron for a while now and don't think I've ever came back to nab the pre-supported models. I'll need to check when I finish work but is there a way to grab them if I've missed?


Nice. All of those files will pressuported for Tie 3? Asking that, cause Spider monster in May release was unsupported...(((


Hi, presupported versions are included in the MMF reward links and stay there.


Hi, I'll get as many as I can presupported this month. The Spider Monster is being presupported at the moment. It couldn't be completed in the previous months due to service's schedule.


really nice work dude, particularly loving the greater demon. Also downloading from mega and MMF is so much better. Keep up the good work.

War Mammoth

Love that dark elf design also.


How do I get the files? I’m Tier 3


umm..how do I get the ruler model? I know you may or may not release it to mmf, but I can't seem to find a download here on patreon yet either..di i miss that you were delaying it's release a few days?


Looks good.


These are really amazing, so detailed. Does anyone have any suggestions on the size it would be best to scale the Desire Demon so that it will be roughly the same size as the official keeper model? Thanks


Hi, i want the new Emperor how can i get it?

Andrew Pryor

Does anyone know where I can find the discount code for this month?


1200 plus members, looking forward to the gladiator :)

Steven Crawford

Hey are we expecting any more pre-supported files for July? Thank you


Been looking everywhere but I can't find the supported Desire Demon Upper Body file.. I love the models but the packaging is often a challenge to find everything


Hey bro, I opend the file but the demon does not come in it


Hi, after July the first version of the demon got moved to my MMF storefront: https://www.myminifactory.com/users/3DArtGuy The other versions are still in the Tier 3 welcome pack.


I mean the one that is been chopped in a half by the Emperor.


The one one that is been chopped in a half by the Emperor does not come in the File, just the Emperor is in the file.