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The poll results are in and it looks like a basic tie between Artorias/Sif and Arthas (aka the Lich King).  This is an interesting spread of results.  Several community members have mentioned that there are tons of Lich King designs already and a quick google search does seem to confirm this.  I'll have to see if I can do something with this character to make it stand out.  

After some thought, I think I can include the Armored Berserker as well since there is a lot of overlap between three of the four top results.  Although I'm putting this in the 'maybe' pile depending on how things go.  I'll also include Librarian Laurie as she's consistently been pretty popular in polls (I don't know anything about this character though, so whoever added the suggestion, please PM me if there is actually more information about her).

Thanks to everyone who voted and congratulations if your choice got picked!  Some of the Keeper of Secrets items are now in early access on sync!  Also, there will be one more major Emperor update before the end of the month.  I think I saved the best for last. 😉 Stay tuned!  



Simone Spinozzi

❤️👍💯🥰 ༼ つ ◕u◕ ༽つ🍀 <i>*offers good luck*</i>


The Lich King.....WITH Sindragosa! That will stand out. =)


i wish drizzt won

