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The Grimdark Poll is up!  All items are taken from the Grimdark Suggestion Box.  I've tried to distribute it as evenly as possible through the factions that patrons suggested.  I've prioritised new suggestions over ones that didn't get voted through last time.  Here's the link to all the items in the poll (attached to post as well).  

I will choose the top n for next month's project, n to be determined by how complicated the top items are.  Please take note that anything which gets voted through will have to be designed in a way that GW can't complain about.  I don't want to be bothered by them again.

The poll will be open until May 28th, 10:00am EDT.  Enjoy!  



I only regret that Lion El'Johnson isn't in the poll




Oh man, I want to see them all in your style! Alas its gotta be for the Emperor! Although a general Astartes would be great too. So many mod ideas. Definitely a tough decision on this one my friend.

The Nosh

Ahem, that's Engra Deathsword - Destroyer of Praag.. he didn't go to 8 years of Destroyer School to be called Mr. Deathsword.


If you dont want GW on you Id suggest dropping any idea of doing a Thuderhawk or a Monolith mate. Those 2 suggestions will definitely get you hassle. Vehicles are a big no no with GW.

TwoHeavens. Esq

I'd like to strongly suggest you all vote for Tyberos the Red Wake. Beyond bad ass chapter master with dual lightning claw chain fists for maximum "fuck you". 3D's take on him would be incredible.


Emperor of Mankind without hesitation. Can't wait to see your rendering, considering that i just printed your Archangel (and then going for the officer), and it is totally badass-wsome !


man Lighting claw chain fists sound heretical as fuck. I'm in lol


It definetly has to be the emperor


Tyberos for sure. GW version is a complete lackluster miniature. There are already emperor of mankind miniatures out there that are pretty decent


Yep Tyberos would be amazing - he needs to be done properly, I agree with Warren that the existing version is really terrible

Ramiro Carrasco Jr.

Many have been done but not The Lion El Johnson Pre-heresy. I for one would love to have him in melee mode.


So many choices.

Iris Baur

Honestly I´m not too excited about one more miniature for the Emperor alive, as there are plenty out there. But I would LOVE to see your take on the "Emperor on the Golden Throne" - it would be absolutely unique and a beast of a secenery piece for a Terra-themed table. Really hope you might consider it! :) *Fingers crossed*


id love to see some orks or ork busts in 40k grim dark

robin bannatyne

personally i would love a good harlequin just for my collection, but its all good since i am impressed with everything.

Red Knows Rain

"New Goal: Spite Magnus." :-D


Emperor no1 but I'd love to see your take on Enforcer Shira Calpurnia and the Thunderhawk as well. Next months maybe?

Simone Spinozzi

I am sorry if i am so late to reply, last week positively destroyed me. Anyway: oooh! let me see let me see! To be fair we never get proper minis of some of the bigger Tyranids, so my vote clearly goes to the Norn Queen. And the Burna Boy and the Klawed Boss would also let me see some of those details i like best from you. As for Klovis, i mean, he only got an entire book series of 6 books a graphic novel and 3 entire white Dwarf specials devoted to him (almost) alone... i can understand why nobody is voting him. So uninteresting. <h1>🤣🤪👍💖💯</h1> Got to vote people like the emperor, he who never failed. 😂 Anyway... obviously my votes have been properly squandered as i voted stuff that will never win. So let me vote something that has a bit more chance to win.... Other faves of mine that could actually get a placement are Gavriel... for obvious reasons... i doubt he'll get a placing, but if he does, i hope you give him a "Cerberus" alt. And the thunderhawk, because honestly i have never seen one of those as a mini, believe it or not. Nobody here every plays them. I guess because they are mainly transports. Tempted to actually also give a vote to Magnus. Mostly because in the novels he looked the least insane of them all, just ignorant and punished via extreme ignorance by people who wanted to hide stuff they just learned and show how loyal they were to the emperor and stuff (so please don't smite me, i'll go smite him for you instead).


Hmmmm my vote definitely goes to the Ork Big Boss and the Norn Queen, would love to see the amazing work of those to in 3DArtGuy style!🤘😎