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Here comes the final update for this month's project.  The Mechanicus' reputation for pilfering is well deserved.  They will take any opportunity to swipe technology, be it human or xenos.  After a battle, they will descend like mechanical vultures and scavenge everything their servo skulls and mechadendrites can hold.  I chose the Tau to be their victims because I've always thought that faction has had it easy in every edition.  Every time I read an Imperial battle report against them, I facepalm.  By the Emperor, do I facepalm.  Sure, the Tau's ranged weaponry and battlesuits are extremely powerful but once a major faction gets their shit together, their Expansion Spheres will disappear faster than a Celestial Lion calling out the Inquisition's bullshit.  

In other news, a GW rep tried to contact me.  The message is nebulous but the gist seems that they want me to remove all the 40K style designs from the welcome packs barring one or two.  I've always had a hard time determining what they deem 'acceptable' as some old items have passed their scrutiny even though I thought they were high risk.  And while I don't like making designs 'limited time', they have forced my hand.  To be honest, I'm not sure what kind of jurisdiction they have with this sort of thing but I want as little to do with them as possible.  I do not have the time nor inclination to keep redesigning past items until it passes their arbitrary finish line.  To use a terrible hockey metaphor, you do not take a penalty shot if the goalie keeps moving the net.  But here are the main takeaways:

  • I will keep the old 40K project folders around until April 16th, 2021 so patrons can download them if they haven't already.  They will be renamed to show the due date.  After that, they will be removed permanently.
  • The MMF rewards link for next month will not include the Tech Scavenger items because I don't want to give them an excuse to flag my account.  The Tech Scavenger items will be in the sync welcome packs until April 30th, 2021.  I will try to get the presupports for it fast tracked.  All designs I make during Grimdark Month will likely only be available for a limited time until someone linked to GW inevitably cries foul.    
  • If patrons want to show prints of my 40K style designs on social media, go ahead but don't credit me or link it back to this patreon anymore please.  Seriously, I'd prefer patrons credit themselves at this point.

Everything from this month is on sync now (list of tier rewards attached).  I will make a public post for some of this month's items in April.  Next up will be Fantasy Month, yay!  I will show some WIPs once I have something substantial.  Stay tuned!  




Fething GW. Love the sculpts though!


praise be to the omnisaiah


Aw man, that sucks. Will you keep making 40k stuff in the future though?

Ramiro Carrasco Jr.

Yeah, please keep making them for us (on the down low). "The first secret about Print Club is there is no Print Club"!

Simone Spinozzi

I must be honest... i thought it was a servitor, not a tau from the thumbnails. 😅 Still very, very good! 👍💖

Colonel Overkill

Amazing as always. Great work. As for GW, it seems they are on a lawyer kick again, astartes was given a join us or be lawyered into oblivion offer and they seem to be going after any and all fan projects now of any kind.

Red Knows Rain

GW has, in the past, gotten away with claiming a >30% difference between their 2e Tyranid hormagaunts that (s) seriously in no way resemble Xenomorphs from Aliens (/s) when 20th Century Fox came calling. Same for Necrons and the Terminator. The Fair Use doctrine of US copyright law is an interest of mine. :-)


Will this GW BS affect any of the sculpts that are currently up on MMF?


Yes, but how long they remain in the welcome packs remains to be seen.


No, I don't think so. If they wanted them taken down, they probably would have done so already.


Looks like 3d printers made them cry...the rich are missing few millions.


Thet should hire you as a sculptor, might get some stuff thats good


As someone who's played Tau in Kill Team I think their corpses and wreckage might be the most useful Tau models I have.


Looks great. But are you certain that the Tau pilots are essentially cyborgs as well? And that story about GW is interesting, if a bit scary.


Oh, they're definitely fully flesh. The sculpt is meant to show a pilot being forcefully dragged out, ripping his bodysuit, interface plugs and limbs in the process. Yeah, a lot of patreons are being affected right now.


Amazing! The omnissiah is surely pleased.


Hello, I must be having a thick day or still half asleep after just getting up but I cannot find the Tech Scavenger or the welcome pack on the "Tier 3 welcome pack and monthly releases ( full characters)" page. There is a Tier 2 welcome pack and monthly releases (Accessories) & a Tier 1 sample item but no Tier 3 welcome pack.


Great work as usual. Sorry GW is breathing down your neck. I'm sure you're really hurting their profit margins.... lol

Dusty Hatfield

where the path takes us im here to support your artwork.


Sorry to hear about GW's usual pushy behavior to you. Having a hard time finding the Tech Scavenger in the files. What is it under or named?


Hi, is there a way I can get access to the Hunter April 2021 folder?