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A new Predator update has arrived!  The Predators in AvP comics and the movies are cool, mixing savage tribal aesthetics with advanced technology.  As the name implies, they are the apex hunters, evolving an entire culture to killing prey they consider worthy.  For a diorama, I thought it'd be cool to show Machiko living up to the Predator title and taking down the deadliest monsters that the galaxy has to offer.  Seriously, if Hollywood made blockbusters of Predators just hunting different alien species without pointless human drama, I'm pretty sure everyone would pay money to see that.  

The first items from this month's project will be added to sync in the next few days and continue to be updated.  In other news, I am working on setting up a MyMiniFactory patron reward system - basically any patron with an MMF account can just get each month's rewards through there and be notified via email.  This is the first time I'm trying out the MMF rewards system and I'm not 100% sure how it works.  So please bear with me if something goes wrong.  Will post about MMF rewards availability when the framework is set up.   




Ahhhhh.... yeeeeaaaaaa me likey

Simone Spinozzi

to be fair... after a title like that... i now find myself in dire need of a variant where instead of lianas on the tree and rings on the spear... there are sausages left hanging to dry https://www.lucianopignataro.it/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/salsicce-a-sgrondare-1024x768.jpg maybe with a few pieces of meat here and there too for good measure 😂👍💖 https://www.foodclub.it/media/min/squalo-fermentato-islanda


Dumb question, considering the similarities of the howling banshee masks and predator any chance of getting an alternate pointy ear head? Nuthin fancy....


Superb work! Just so I can prepare, what scale is she designed for? :)


Haha, she should have an entire butcher shop of exotic meats! 😊


I'll try to keep the consistent scales I use for all projects: 50mm for single and 100mm for parts.

Colonel Overkill

Yea, creative integrity in movies is far less important than pushing some sort of agenda or shovelware... Otherwise gorgeous mini!

Dusty Hatfield

Hello i was wondering maybe we could get a smaller more realistic base in the near future? love the model of her but the massive base don't go with the predator universe at all, was unaware there were dragons there and no one i know would purchase such a model, a dead xenomorph or solider would have been optimal.


Kinda have to disagree there man. She joins the Predators and they go around and hunt stuff, lizards to people.


Oh my God! I buy the comics back in the 90s and then I dream with figurines and toys of the AvP comics, and thanks to you a I'll have Machiko!!! The problem its I want Broken Tusk now! 😁😜


What % should I scale these down to for printing in heroic scale (32mm) and regular mini (28mm) scale?


Hi, all single print designs are scaled to 50mm. So to make it heroic scale, reduce it to 64% of its original size. For regular mini scale, reduce it to 56% of its original size.


Always good to have a scaler to use for all minis just to check heights. Just pop it in then delete it after scaling. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3649454 one side is heroic and the other mini. the base sizes are D&D scale

Red Knows Rain

Hmm. Machiko is going to need a bigger trophy wall after this hunt. :-P


Hi, great work and browsing through all of your stuff and the dioramas are exceptional. Where can I get access to this file for instance?

Jarra Joseph-McGrath

Hi Mr Guy. Where can I find this file in the folder please? I can only see the base. Thanks!


Bro where do I get it?


Can I still get this file? Its awesome