My Axe Thirsts For You (Hunter WIP) (Patreon)
A new set of updates are here! First off is Kaleb Daark, who is part of the very old Warhammer Fantasy lore. Back in the day, there was a 5th Chaos God called Malal who represented the paradox of Chaos fighting itself. Kaleb was Malal's champion and tasked to kill any Chaos minions not aligned with them. Sadly, this lore was cobwebbed and the only reference material I could find were old comic strips, so I really needed to extrapolate to give this character some flavour. As a Chaos Champion dedicated to killing, er, Chaos, Kaleb is always in conflict with himself as represented by the half and half motif in Malal's symbol. The armour design is meant to reflect this duality, which is kind of why he looks like Two Face. Also, his 'Dreadaxe' is a sentient Chaos weapon that can bite off heads, which is kinda cool.
Alongside this update, we have the Tech Priest analogue for Belisarius Cawl which was heavily requested. Cawl is a fairly new character in 40K and responsible for all the Space Marine upgrades although his origins can be traced back to the Horus Heresy. Like most high ranking Tech Priests, they tend to look like giant robotic centipedes so I went with that. I have some cool diorama ideas for Cawl and Machiko. Will show more when they become fleshed out.
Also, the vote for next month's Fantasy project will be coming this week. All items in the poll will be taken from the Fantasy suggestion box and will be as varied as possible. Stay tuned!