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A new set of updates are here!  First off is Kaleb Daark, who is part of the very old Warhammer Fantasy lore.  Back in the day, there was a 5th Chaos God called Malal who represented the paradox of Chaos fighting itself.  Kaleb was Malal's champion and tasked to kill any Chaos minions not aligned with them.  Sadly, this lore was cobwebbed and the only reference material I could find were old comic strips, so I really needed to extrapolate to give this character some flavour.  As a Chaos Champion dedicated to killing, er, Chaos, Kaleb is always in conflict with himself as represented by the half and half motif in Malal's symbol.  The armour design is meant to reflect this duality, which is kind of why he looks like Two Face.  Also, his 'Dreadaxe' is a sentient Chaos weapon that can bite off heads, which is kinda cool.  

Alongside this update, we have the Tech Priest analogue for Belisarius Cawl which was heavily requested.  Cawl is a fairly new character in 40K and responsible for all the Space Marine upgrades although his origins can be traced back to the Horus Heresy.  Like most high ranking Tech Priests, they tend to look like giant robotic centipedes so I went with that.  I have some cool diorama ideas for Cawl and Machiko. Will show more when they become fleshed out.  

Also, the vote for next month's Fantasy project will be coming this week.  All items in the poll will be taken from the Fantasy suggestion box and will be as varied as possible.  Stay tuned!  




Doesn't it look like one of Cawl's legs in the front is just sort of phasing through his skirt?

M. Zottmann

I love Kaleb Daark, only the infamous Dreadaxe known to have a life of its own lacks the jaws it should have. The shaft of the axe seems a bit thin as if it would break on contact with a decent blow...

Red Knows Rain

Only a little, but he's got so many creepy-crawlies I didn't notice it until I read your post :-P

Dusty Hatfield

new member here, where do we download these?

Simone Spinozzi

Oooh! Neat! i like them both very much! Might have gone more for a "spider back under a robe" kind of like a caparison over a tank on spider legs... mostly because you went with the classic looks (and you did that perfectly)... but those never made sense to me... because there is... not much physicality to them. While the rest of the body is built like an industrial machine those spindly wire-like legs are... ...i get what they were going for. It's a metaphor: they are built like tanks and have those spindly legs... is exactly to show how fragile the basics of their beliefs are. They hit that metaphor really well... They are human beings who worship machines so much they forgot how to be human, even though the "god" they worship looks human (though technically they do not worship the emperor, so there might be an element of corruption going on with that due to the "real" omnissiah exerting influence). But at the same time, you could keep the spindly legs and add an engine or something to move them. Often times they are also described as having tank threads like that cybord from "Eliminators" (the 1986 movie) and that kind of makes more sense... ...except it's used as descriptive metaphor for people who lack any judgement and trample over everything in their pursuit... like a tank. So... i thought having a "spider body" (drider style) on their back under a caparison-like robe would have kept the functionality while also making the spider legs have sense... ...but yeah... it breaks the metaphor for the "belief based on nothing"... sooo i should not try and ask redesigns for what was a conscious and deliberate choice. Honestly though, as i said... you hit the original design right on the spot and you did it really well... so that is several reasons why i should not complain... 😂👍💖


Hi, I'll include a variation without the head so the teeth will be visible. 👍


link please


That tech priest looks cool.


Sorry. But it's no difference between Chaos knight v.1 and v.2 models in stl files.. It's so planned???


Hi, version 1 has the standard axe. Version 2 has the head in the axe.