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And so we come to big evil cheese of Warhammer 40K, the arch-traitor Horus Lupercal himself.  For those unfamiliar with Horus, he is the poster boy of the heresy era traitor legions, and responsible for the nightmarish state of the galaxy that all 40K fans know and love.

To understand why he's such a big deal, one must know Horus was once the most beloved son of the Emperor and trusted with leading the Great Crusade as Warmaster.  The book 'Horus Rising' does an excellent job of showing why he was first among the brotherhood of Primarchs.  You get to see that Horus possessed the diplomatic/tactical acumen, the martial superiority and most importantly the charisma to lead the Imperium's armies and keep his brothers in line.  But despite being superhuman in every sense of the word, all Primarchs harbored the flaws of humanity as well.  In Horus' case it was his secret fear of being inadequate as Warmaster and eventually being replaced by a bunch of bureaucrats.

This is where we see the insidious power of Chaos, which turns Horus' tale into one of tragedy.  Through their machinations, the Primordial Annihilator convinced Horus that the Emperor had abandoned the Great Crusade to pursue godhood and that Horus' achievements would be forgotten.  The irony is that this only happened because Horus turned traitor and started the galactic civil war known as the Horus Heresy.  And the rest is as they say, history.

I've depicted Horus at the height of his corruption, when the Ruinous Powers have completely warped the Warmaster into a nightmarish parody of himself. Accompanying Horus this month is his Justaerin Terminator Elite.  I've always liked their style, probably my favorite of the heresy era Terminators.  Now that I've got the designs fairly fleshed out, I'll be moving onto poses and diorama stuff.  Stay tuned for carnage and other items!



Ben Seddon

Jesus that's one beefy boy


Damn, that looks amazing!


Looks imposing like a true warmaster should. Althought head feels kind of smaller


The only difference between us and 3dartguy is when we get up we just put on our pants and start our day . When he gets up he makes gold records ! Bam !

Richard Wise

Great work as always

Adilos Cantürk

There is a great need for the EMPEROR OF MANKIND to counter this one.

Adilos Cantürk

There is nothing official for the emperor. Go!

Simone Spinozzi

❤️ love as usual how you worked those details.

M. Zottmann

Nicely done. I especially like the determined look on his face.

Daniel Henry

Guilliman wasnt flawed ;) He had the whole Ultramar system up and running with no help. Blue boys are best boys(Horus was a close 2nd)


Thats so HOT


Are we gonna start the Papa Smurf argument here? Because it's clear The Wolf King, Leman Russ is the best.

Daniel Henry

Sorry i was using facts from the books. All good if you want to pretend Leman Russ ran a sweet system of his own that had paradise planets.


This is absolutely stunning model!! I only want to point out that there seem to be a bit too many wolf iconography on the armour, especially since they renamed from Luna Wolves to Sons of Horus. Maybe it would make sense to replace some of those with Chaos Stars and Eye of Horus?


Also a tiny note on Justaerin, maybe worth replacing devices on the shoulders with some kind of spikes or trophy racks? :D


We'll see. The design is based off of original concept art and FW designs and even they kept the wolf iconography after the legion changed their name.


Great masterpiece!


Oh man, I can


Well, I meant to type, "oh man, I can't wait" but got excited, lol


At a glance I thought he looked like Bill Murray, now I can't unsee it haha, another great model


These guys still look pretty normal, unlike later Chaos troops. Nicely done.


Dumb question as a new patreon subscriber - would you ever release these types of poses as files? There's something about these straight poses that would make amazing display pieces


Hi, the static poses are not print ready so they are not included as files. Sorry.