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All assets from this month's project are all available except one.  Here's the breakdown:

Tier 3:

  • Sisters of Battle Canoness (Sword or Inferno Pistol) Single
  • Sisters of Battle Canoness (Sword or Inferno Pistol) Parts
  • Sister of Battle all variants Single
  • Valkia The Bloody Single
  • Valkia The Bloody Parts (in progress)
  • Sister of Battle Punk Single
  • Sister of Battle Punk with Shaved Head Single

Tier 2:

  • Sister of Battle Bolter Single
  • Sister of Battle Flamer Single
  • Sister of Battle Punk Single

After some feedback, I've updated the Sister of Battle Punk designs yesterday.  I also wanted to break up Valkia the Bloody into parts as well and that should be ready in the next day or so.  I've also updated Valkia's face to look more daemonic.  

And that's this month's project in the bag.  May you lead the Sister of Battle to glorious victory!  May Valkia smite all of Khorne's enemies!  I'll make a public post for some of these items beginning next month.

Next up, we have the Warmaster himself, Horus Lupercal.  I have some interesting ideas for this project as well.  February is a short month though so this project may bleed into the month after but we'll see.  Will post a WIP when I have something substantial to show.  Stay tuned!



Adilos Cantürk

Very nice! Don't read that with a Borat voice in your mind please.


Where to download sisters and Valkia and Punk Sister?


I have trouble anew each month finding where to download. I know it doesn't change, but it seems so hidden... If you go to the top of the page, click on "My Membership", then click on your tier and it should take you to the page where everything is available.

Simone Spinozzi

❤️ can't wait to see them ❤️


Hi, my front page about section has all the tier reward links. But yes, the other way works as well.


Is there a timeframe for when we can get presupported sisters? And also the rest of the grimdark punk rock band?


Hi, it should be around the middle of next month. That is usually the amount of time the service I use requires.


Horus sounds dope, would you consider having a helmeted version so it can be a cool warlord as well?


Hi, next month's project includes a Chaos Terminator Champion variant and that will be helmeted.


Hi there The sisters are available in one piece with 50 mm in size. The leading sister, it is available in a 50mm piece and in parts. At what scale is the sister designed by parts? Can the other sisters be scaled up to this larger scale or will definition be lost? Thanks in advance


Hi, the parts version is scaled to be 100mm in size. The 50mm/100mm scales are what I try to stick to for each project. Scaling larger actually ensures the definition comes through. It's when you scale down that the definition gets lost due to printer precision.


Thanks for the reply . But only the leader is available in parts. The other versions, can we zoom the file into a single piece without losing definition or will you edit the other versions in parts?


I freaking love it .... the only problem i have is where to put all my stuff from printing :D


Yes, scaling the single version designs is fine - you only lose definition if you scale down. Valkia will have a parts version as well.