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The first WIP of the month is here!  According to MTG lore, Atraxa was a Mirran angel who opposed Elesh Norn's singular drive to indoctrinate everything into the Phyrexian faction (a fanatical cult that believes everything should be folded into their version of unity). 

Atraxa was captured while single-handedly protecting a Mirran retreat. The praetor Elesh Norn honoured the angel's tenacity with the blessed gift of compleation.  Basically, this meant tearing the angel apart and assembling her back as a symbol of Phyrexian might.  With the help of other praetors, Atraxa was born, as an awe-inspiring testament to Phyrexia's singular purpose.

The art style of this faction is quite unique, melding techno organics with cracked porcelain shell armour.  This opens a lot of avenues for horror which I hope to explore.  More assets are down the pipeline and I'll show them once they are more refined.  Stay tuned!
