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Okay, here we go - the first WIP for Roboute Guilliman.  Anyone with the slightest interest in 40K will have heard of him as he and the Ultramarines are the most promoted Chapter among the Space Marines.  

He is probably most (in)famous for writing the Codex Astartes, the tome of organization and tactics that most Space Marine Chapters follow to varying degrees.  His depiction has also varied wildly over the years as different writers seem to have conflicting opinions on his character.  

If I had to describe Guilliman, I'd say he's what you'd get if Trajan, Hadrian or Marcus Aurelius was a Primarch.  All of the Emperor's sons are superior to baseline humanity, made as intelligent and mighty as physics and biology will allow.  But due to the demands of the Great Crusade, their talents were mostly focused on warfare by necessity.

As one of the very few Primarchs with a privileged upbringing, Guilliman managed to branch out and apply his intellect to administration and governance.  He is described as a logistical genius, which on paper sounds like the most boring superpower ever.  However this trait greatly benefits the Ultramarines as the systems they conquer quickly integrate into the Imperium and prosper, thereby expanding their resources and recruitment pool.  Their organization is so efficient that the Ultramarines became the largest legion before the Horus Heresy.  And while the Imperium slowly became a dumpster fire over the millenia, Guilliman's realm of Ultramar managed to holds things together due to his policies and the lessons he imparted to his sons.  

Recently, 40K's timeline has advanced and Guilliman's back in the limelight.  He is now ruling over one half of the Imperium while his BFF Dante gets the worse half (I guess that makes him Diocletian in space).   He also gets to wield the Emperor's own sword now - a weapon so potent it can perma kill Daemons (that's usually impossible).

Next step is to give Guilliman some cool poses and there are more assets are down the pipeline.  I also have some ideas for a cool diorama.  Will post those once they are more refined.  Stay tuned!  




Looks Awesome. I love Your Warhammer creations :)




Captured very well! Awesome as always ;)

Kinslord Mpf

I hate Ultramarines ( I'm a Greenzkin at heart ) but ... this is so wonderful that I must paint him!


I must buy more blue paint then.


Super! I thought a bigger powerfist would fit him. Maybe even two.


I cannot wait for this fig. Are you going to add wings like on the cover of the Indomitus rulebook? Oh is your plan an Abbadon fight diorama?


i like the sculpt and detail but the pose is not enough dynamic ! Only standing !





Northern Light

very cool. Is ist possible so make one or two Poses that can bei use as statures for a boulevard?

Benoit Griette

superbe, dommage que ça soit un UM ^^


Hmm, probably not those wings. There's one concept for that and not very well defined. For the Diorama, it won't be Abaddon but someone that's still pretty famous. 😊


Two of my good Warhammer friends are Blood Angles and Ultramarines. They'll be very happy. The face looks perfect. I need to start a campaign to add the Wolf King, Russ to your next poll. My guy.


Wow, he's looking amazing! While I'm secretly hoping the diorama you mentioned includes Word Bearers (for Know No Fear reasons), I'm excited to see where you take this project! Keep up the great work, really looking forward to printing this.

Simone Spinozzi

Honestly i always liked Perturabo over Guilliman. They have basically the same set of competences. But Perturabo: 1) does not assume he knows about stuff when he does not. 2) does not assume everything will go according to plan while openly saying he should always be prepared to change his plans. The moment when things deviated from a plan Perturabo had slack and flexibility and would not whine. He'd just grunt, say "yeah, that happens" and change stuff... minimally, because he already accounted for a great part of those losses anyway. If anything i never understood why people consider Perturabo a doom sayer with "cold calculations" that spell doom and destruction... when honestly, he feels like a sad puppy that hopes for far better than it will be but already knows it's going to be worse than his "cruel calculations" show. And basically: he would plan, and when things got worse (because 40k) he's sigh, shake his head, say "yeah, i knew it, but i hoped", roll back his sleeves and get to work to fix stuff. While Guilliman was a utopist micromanaging idiot that would plan things far too in advance and with the kind of precision that everybody considers a joke... and could only watch as things got out of hand more and more while decrying to the heavens he shall have revenge. Basically either things worked like clockwork or he'd mcgiver some frag grenade out of the clockwork pieces and do even more damage with his thirst for revenge. Also, Perturabo has the attitude of a gruff and weathered Veteran. A trait... quite rare among his primarch peers who are usually a bunch of whiny teenagers. While Guilliman manages the (i must admit: rather arduous) task to look like an unfeeling robot incapable of deviating from his programming even a single millimeter and also a whiny teenager screaming at the heavens for the injustices of life... at the same time. <h1>🤣</h1> As for your depiction... i like where you placed the eagle. though i am not exactly sure about the bicephalous on the breastplate... it looks more like the sword emblem. (though it might be both)


Wow....just wow. Absolutely love it! I cannot wait for this release!


I do think Perturabo is an interesting character. His origin story sheds a lot of light on his personality and motivations. Will keep working on the design 👍


Wasnt Guilliman killed by Alpharius, who then took his place? So this one should be called "Sneaky Alpha Legion Primarch"... :P


The work is good, very Are you planning a glove bolter?

Simone Spinozzi

Oh, they are <b><i>all</i></b> interesting characters. If anything i like that GW played the long game and showed us a variety of attitudes and how all these "heroics" screw everything multiple times over. And aside from Horus which is the "worst handled" of the lot (and possibly a lost opportunity) the rest seemed to be very well characterized. My problem lays with the fact i have extremely little patience with certain kinds of characters. And Guilliman is basically the epitome of "idiot micromanager CEO that does not understand how this spells disaster". It IS the perfect character to put in that position to show <u>how screwed everybody is</u>. I just find it hard to believe that anybody would be going out of their way to bring him back to life... based on how he handles things. Basically... yeah. It is perfect for the story... i could not imagine anybody else that would have the same devastating impact and drive the empire into a "better" hellhole. It does not make it any more pleasant.

Edgar gallardo

I love it, dumb question... will it be posed ?


I propose that, in addition to the miniatures and dioramas, this figure has a bust.


With your style of sculpture, I think that Fulgrim in a primarch and demon version would be incredible ...


Any chance he'll have both his pre heresy sword (Gladius Incandor) and the Emperor's sword?


That is probably doable but will have to see. Got other items planned out.


Awesome design! I mean, it´s not as awesome as if it was Rogal Dorn, but awesome anyway!