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A dark elf update has arrived!  While thinking about diorama ideas, it occurred to me that the concept looked exactly like a Dark Eldar Wyche (despite being made for a completely different setting).  Everything including the hairstyle, the whip and questionable attire said Dark Eldar so I thought: 'You know what?  Let's turn this into a Slaanesh party!'

I won't go into Dark Eldar lore as it is messed up even by 40K standards.  The abridged version is they're all hedonists that need to keep inflicting pain, otherwise Slaanesh gets to gobble up their souls like Twinkies.  Sensible alternatives are ignored.  

I've made three poses which accentuates the Dark Elf's graceful poise and lethality.  Dark Eldar Wyches are also deadly combatants who are capable of taking down a Space Marine so I based the diorama around that.  

These assets along with the Red Riding Hood ones will be available before the end of the month.  I'll make a post when they become available.  Stay tuned!  



Will Reynolds

Are you planning on making the Chaos Warrior in the last picture also available? I love the stand off between both of them!


Cool! And all theese poses!


OK, that lady is amazing (combat pose with dagger or rope only are best), but Slaanesh is true babe for me now. Amazing work.


😍 superb!!!!!

Simone Spinozzi

&gt; Sensible alternatives are ignored. as one does in 40k <h1>😂👍💖</h1> And this time you did not forget about the jumpjet exhausts 😂


Usually I'm more into Fantasy than Scifi, but she looks great!


I want that slaaneshi marine pretty bad


You're doing L2 Dark Elf Females a great service by this. :D


I need the photo 6 models. :)


Man, I am in awe of these models! Amazing work. My painting brain was triggered so many times looking at these photos.


Hi Will, yes the Chaos Warrior will be part of this month's assets.


These freakin' ROCK!


Would it be too much if I also say this looks amazing. Could you, by any chance, spend a little bit of your attention on the belly? I hope Iam not the only one who like a tiny bit pronounced abs 😇

Domi Schell

WOW! I have no words for what I'm seeing here, just WOW! ❤❤❤


Just attempting to print the STL_Succubus_PoseTwoSingle pre supported model. Lychee says there is 229822 holes in the object. does this have any chance of printing? (Chitubox doesn't detect the errors so I can at least slice the file with that)


Hi Jason, yes the presupports have been proven to work: https://www.patreon.com/posts/good-news-are-to-42205799


Yay she printed. the supports came away from the bottom of the wings and severed head but did not appear to effect the print. I was worried when she came out of the printer thinking the whip would be a solid blob with the bottom supports but it came out great. Masterfull effort on the supports.


Amazing work so far, love the stealthy pouncing pose, looking great.

War Mammoth

WOW, amazing and epic diorama!

Joe Beddoe

Great googally moogally that's fantastic.

Joe Beddoe

Also, the bonus Noise Marine is...perfection.


That Emperor's Child THO!!!!!


I downloaded Red Riding Hood and the Dark Elf. Will the Noise Marine appear as well? I mean the one that's fighting the Crouching Elf? And what will be the theme for next month?


Impressive, both the elf, and the chaos marine.


Hi Glitterwolf, all the assets are available now. Details in newest post.

robin bannatyne

i would love to see a harlequin in this style, i can picture these poses


I there any chance to get this?