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Good day!

Here's my first pass for the Dark Elf/Red Riding Hood combo.  Dark Elves or Drow depending on the setting are often portrayed as the evil version of the elven race.  Barring one famous exception they are almost universally portrayed as cruel, vain and other mean words.  

I'm sure Red Riding Hood doesn't need any introduction, a character with surprisingly bad eyesight.  Well in this incarnation, she won't be some helpless girl fleeing a big bad wolf.  In this version, she'll take matters into her own hands.  The suggestion mentioned Cyberpunk elements which I will add later down the line.  

Quick aside, I usually try to portray female characters with semi realistic proportions.  But this month's concepts make it very obvious they were going for something else.  Basically what I'm saying is not every future female character will look like they are starring in a R rated film.  

I'll be working on the poses next and seeing what I can build around these characters.  BTW, last week I placed the order with Yessik to presupport the single versions of the Cyberpunk and Valkyrie. He hasn't gotten back to me but he's pretty busy so I'll check back soon.  Stay tuned!  




I don't mind the non-realistic proportions, wouldn't mind having more in fact. Excellent work!


Wow... I never thought it's possible to make such wonder so fast. About proportions - I don't mind some exagerated accents, but would like to point that elves are considered lean creatures, not orc/goblin build like ones. And definetely love boots and lace stockings ;)


Looking good, with that hand blade a crouching almost pouncing position would like great


Looks fantastic so far, thank you for bringing my idea to life ❤! Looking forward to seeing more!!


Great looking models. Not a fan of the proportions though.

Alex A

It's a bit too much "red sonja".


Not a fan of the proportions, but that is simply personal opinion, but other than that it would be interesting to see a version in which Red was in league with the Wolf. I‘ve seen that concept a few times, but never in a realistic or mature manner. The cyberpunk elements you mentioned seems somewhat odd and could potentially class with the overall design, perhaps if it were steampunk instead? But the choice is obviously yours, and I’m certain whatever you settle on will be interesting and fantastically designed.


Yeah, I know. But the Dark Elf concept is definitely not your typical 'lean' version. 😊


I'll see if I can provide a more modest version of Red Riding Hood. The Dark Elf will probably remain like the concept since the original requester made that point very clear.


I'll see if I can provide a more modest version of Red Riding Hood as well. The Dark Elf will probably remain like the concept since the original requester made that point very clear.


I'll see if I can provide a more modest version of Red Riding Hood. The exact suggestion was to make something similar to Ghost in the Shell but I'll have to experiment and see how that's feasible. The teamup option sounds interesting but I was definitely planning on something closer to a massacre. Maybe if there's time, I'll explore the option you mentioned.


I dig it, and think she looks great! Pretty much what I was hoping for. I have a lot of models with "Proper" proportions. I think in this case its very fitting. Excellent work and I look forward to seeing the complete model.


It seems that this concept could evolve into a nice series :)


they look very cute


“Surprisingly bad eyesight“, haha, that was good. The Elf is great, especially the hair and face. As for the “proportions”, they don’t seem unreasonable to me, although I do agree that a skinnier version would be cool as well. One of these days you’ll need a female base model with less padding. :)


I don't know what you are talking about, I printed Red with X and Y set to 130% and Z 100% just to give her a less "willowy" look. Although I will say that is a prodigious rack for an elf.