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Good day!

Here comes an update for the character poses.  First we have Sanguinius himself and I decided to include his animal pelt.  Although I'm not a fan of it, I realize it's pretty fundamental to his design so I settled with keeping the leopard head at the back.  I've also given him the Spear of Telesto so players can reenact his awesomeness during the Siege of Terra.  

Quick explanation for people unfamiliar with Sanguinius - he's one of the 21 Primarchs, the hilariously overpowered sons of the Emperor.  Each Primarch is an army unto themselves and combined with their Legions, they conquered the galaxy.  Their actions during an event called the Horus Heresy are directly responsible for the current state of the 40K setting.  Sanguinius is the most beloved Primarch in the Imperium due to his sacrifice against the arch-traitor Horus which allowed the Emperor to triumph.  And after the Horus Heresy, everyone lived happily ever after (no they did not).  

Next we have the Sanguinor, who literally brings a cup to a gunfight.  Sounds crazy I know, but Chapter relics are very powerful symbols for Space Marines and massively enhances their morale.  The Sanguinor is basically a giant flying relic for the Blood Angels and every time he appears, they have snatched victory from nigh unwinnable scenarios.

I've also updated the Seraph wing design and posed him dual wielding swords as shown in the concept provided.  Next I'll finalize some model details and start making the single/parts versions for this month's characters.  Will announce when some of them become ready.  Stay tuned!  




Bro, this is amazing! I'm glad you posted the fluff right about the primarchs.....I can't tell you how many times people think there's only 20 primarchs! Well done!




Incredible work mate!


Yes! This is awesome. Gimme!!!! Observation though... Sanguinors grip on his sword looks slightly off

Simone Spinozzi

love what you did with the pauldrons here, they are quite difficult, though i think posing the deathers was probably the most tedious bit. 😅👍💖


Looks fantastic. Great job, I like that you added telesto in. Is there any chance of a death mask on the sanguinor?


so.... no diorama? can we add him to one of your existing base?


I would legit push an old lady off a roof to be able to get a rigged/posable version of this! Well, that's kinda dark, but I would do almost anything

altsien .

Amazing, beyond amazing! I'll have to print one as a big dinner table display piece!


Thanks! I've been experimenting with the sword pose. I guess it does look sort of crooked at this angle.


Thanks! I know the Sanguinor wears a mask, but I thought Dante wears the Death Mask. As far as I remember, the two are not the same, right? Do you mean making his expression more blank and metallic?


Can't guarantee it but I'll definitely include a base to support the flying poses. If I have time after I make all the scheduled deliverables, I can see what cool terrain might be made.


Oh, i figured. Sometimes taking long shots will eventually get something amazing 🤣😂


Looks amazing, may Iake a recommendation for this and all releases going forward. Could we keep everything to one scale. A lot of your models are one scale in parts and one scale whole and it gets very difficult especially as a merchant to have to guess at getting the scales matched up. Just a suggestion...


I keep looking at the model and am fascinated with it. This has to be the most amazing sculpture I've seen. The only that that could possibly make it better....him fighting the Warmaster in an epic and truly massive diorama!!!!

War Mammoth

Amazing. You exceed expectations again!


That's a fair point. What would you say is a reasonable scale for the single and parts versions moving forward?


Haha...definitely can't fit Horus into this month. But with voting, who knows?


Oh, i know Not this month, that would be insane!!! Maybe another month, hopefully the votes would be there!


I think the majority of your work prints well at 50mm or UP. Scale isn't as important as consistency.


Cool, staying consistently at 50mm for both versions sounds good to me.


Are pre-supports only for the monthly files? Not for the welcome pack? I foresee a lot of time making supports.....


Hi Derek, I messaged you about this earlier. My designs are currently presupported by the community (Monthly or Welcome Pack). The preview link on the Tier reward pages shows whats available so far and the number will keep growing. Tier 3 patrons can just ask me for the specific download link if they see a project they want there.


Sorry I'm new to messaging through Patreon. I understand now, thank you for the clarification!


This sculpt is AMAZING - Would we be able to get the T-pose/unposed version aswell? He is just such a bloody unit and the detail is just so fantastic I would be happy to have him stand completely still like a statue haha


Hi Jaydon, sorry the T-pose version would not be printable or optimised.

Charles Nadon

Please tell me you'll do the empire at some point *drool*

Charles Nadon

If your life is given in service to the Emperor, your death shall not be in vain.


Thanks for the background information.

Arsenio Gárate Jauffred

Any way to get Sanguinius if I missed that month? cant find him for sale or anything