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A new vote will begin on July 23rd for the project in August.  Patrons can suggest any character/monster/machine or original content for the poll.  Due to the patreon poll limit, I can only add in the first 25 unique suggestions received after this post.  For patrons who have a suggestion:

  • Please PM me one suggestion, not a post comment.  I don't always get notified about comments.
  • Please include a concept art link with your suggestion.  
  • I encourage suggestions from different settings or original content to keep things diverse!

I will add an attachment to this post with the list of suggestions received.  I will update this post when the list is full.  Thanks!  

**UPDATE** All 25 slots filled!  Attached is the current list of suggestions.   



Suggestion PM'ed


Elric using Luke Goss in Hellboy Golden Army as the insipration https://hellboy.fandom.com/wiki/Nuada


Sent a suggestion in.


Mi unica sugerencia es que se puedan ir haciendo personajes complementarios a los que ya hemos visto, con el fin de ampliar colecciones


I haven't have the time to print the first from this patreon, I've so many models in queue... LoL I love this models, they have so much character.


How about a vehicle, like a tank or a space ship? E.g. Shadow ship or a Vorlon ship, or any kind of battle tank?


The sci-fi ship is awesome, almost like a zentraedi star destroyer mashup


Wow decent list. I'd love to see your take on a Khorne Berserker or 40k Warlord and honestly i reckon you could pull a lot of new subscribers with either of those. All the Warlord files are being 404d online, if you did something in your own style but inspired by, so many people would want it.


The requester corrected my reference. This was the suggestion put up: https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/54aaff70e4b00bf98ffdc7e8/1423217562319-DYI1BYV8365RAY1Z8DHU/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kF6q8UeqaD-MhX08FyFddGx7gQa3H78H3Y0txjaiv_0fDoOvxcdMmMKkDsyUqMSsMWxHk725yiiHCCLfrh8O1z4YTzHvnKhyp6Da-NYroOW3ZGjoBKy3azqku80C789l0luj0xCD0oh5KMc0gpox0u9CNr-AIQA_tfrWhy5w-jxCnOyC8s_D5e19sHRcQk6iIw/VEH_TitusJumper_greyTextr_v1b_240413_GH.jpg?format=2500w


Gracias, entiendo tu razón. Pero siempre dejo que la comunidad decida qué hacer. Creo que es la forma más justa de hacer las cosas.

William Dotson

I am jumping in early as a 40k inspired warlord would be amazing!




Leonin and Seraph are the ones I like the most. They would definitely get my vote.