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Good day!

Just wanted to give a heads up on the next set of voting.  For newer patrons, the Marilith is the last of a three way tie (Flesh Tyrant, Emperor's Champion and Marilith).  So now patrons will get a chance to suggest and vote for a new project next month (yay!).  

We also crossed the 200 patron milestone last month (thanks everyone!) and that unlocks a special project - the Greater Demon.  Since this month was already demon related, I wanted to give patrons a chance to suggest and vote for something different.  So here is the schedule in brief:

April 20th - New Project Poll: Patrons can suggest anything before April 20th and I'll add it to the poll.

May - 200 Milestone Poll: Patrons can suggest a greater demon/devil/daemon of any gender or setting.  They just have to be the top tier of that setting.  

Please PM me or post your single suggestion on Discord.  If you have concept art in mind, that would also be helpful.  Thanks and look forward to hearing your suggestions!  



for the New project Poll, Thunderbird or a Giant Gorilla monster. :-)


Haha, sure. Did you have a preference? I'm trying to keep it to one suggestion per patron so the list doesn't become massive.


I have suggested this a few months ago, and it did get some votes, but unfortunately it didn’t make it in the end. But I think maybe it’s time to try again! I once more propose this epic 6-armed cyclops. I think it suits your style very well. Plus, it would be a nice companion for the Marilith 😆 https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/017/310/406/large/sebastian-kowoll-gyganportfolio.jpg?1555450997

Grant Dawson

Anything Nurgley and gross =]


Give me a properly badass Kaldor Draigo or give me death.


Sounds good! Can I mark the choice down as Grey Knights Supreme Grandmaster?


Absolutely! Anything that looks vaguely like an ornate, powerful Grey Knight would make me overjoyed

Christofer K.

Mommy Fortuna's Midnight Carnival (Last Unicorn). Think twisted old gipsy witch, hunchback henchman, wide-eyed townsfolke,carts barely containing real or illusionary monsters, the same creatures set loose upon their captors (and or the wide eyed townsfolk)... a skinny, naive young hedewizard in the midst of it all... I always thought that would make for a great miniatures set


Somehow I have never seen a proper miniature of Ciaphas Cain from 40k, even though he got an entire set of books dedicated to him. Also I guess a badass tongue-in-cheek commisar would be something only you could pull off.


Hi Christofer, would you say that Mommy Fortuna herself is your first choice? I typically choose one character to focus on and see how much I can add around them.

Christofer K.

Mommy Fortuna or the Harpy were the stand out characters for me, because their struggle formloser was really the driving force behind the scene - in the end, the protagonists just walked als was from that conflict to let it play out on its own. So des, either of these two would be my first choice, although Fortuna would probably easier - she already has a very distinctive design, and the old witch is not quite as complex a character to portray as the immortal, sentient and vindictive monster


May I propose the Sleeper from Gothic game series. It is an archdemon and main antagonist of the first game. Second in power only to the main protagonist of course. So it might meet the criteria :P https://www.google.com/search?q=gothic+sleeper&sxsrf=ALeKk00YOuMQD75JE5KNqlCtIFEgxUy5KQ:1587030006874&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwif1bq-0-zoAhXSCuwKHepNDioQ_AUoAXoECAsQAw&biw=1858&bih=1009


I love how your emperors champion came out, and i feel you could really do justice to Vulcan like hero model for the salamanders, i feel like your dark aesthetic would bring about something pretty neat.


Sure, I'll add him to the poll. Isn't there an official one and a couple custom ones floating around?


I think a really nasty Hag would be cool. Maybe something slightly modular so it could be changed to look like a few of the Hag variants as seen here: https://images.app.goo.gl/ujezCY1EHF5SuCHG7


not sure about custom ones but there is an official one, but he scale is huge, it'd be nice to have something iconic looking but usable on the tabletop, plus the way you do fantasy style could really take a space fairing dragonknight to the next level imo.


I'd really like to see an NCR Ranger from Fallout, maybe with a diorama.


I’d still love to see a tanarukk


For the sake of the official model, its a forgeworld sculpt and hes not really as scaled to the right height. Hes also in a somewhat awkward pose that makes it look like hes about to hammer in a loyalist marine's skull (there is a corpse on the base terrain). As for the custom printable models, there is a file called the Vulkano Warrior for sale on MMF for US$10. Its a solid print, but its not up to par with your degree of detail. Ive always been put off by how simple it looks.


How about something like Court of the Dead? Problem, too many cool figures. Maybe a Dead Empress in Khemri/CotD Style?


Sure, I can add that to the list. Did you have some concept art for the Empress?


https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/81x-Pjt7i2L._AC_SL1500_.jpg Something like this. Sorry for the late reply