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Good day!  

The Emperor's Champion is back with a new pose and he's giving Chaos a giant middle finger.

A bit of context for this pose: In Warhammer 40K, one of the most infamous characters is Abaddon the Despoiler.  With his Black Crusades, he has caused countless death and destruction and the Imperium has suffered them for ten thousand years.  During the first Black Crusade, he killed Sigismund, the first Emperor's Champion.  Needless to say, the Chapter and all the sons of Dorn hold a huge grudge against him.

Since this is an Emperor's Champion project, I thought I'd give loyalists something to smile about.  While I have no idea how the future of 40K will turn out, I think it's pretty fitting that a descendant of Sigismund would avenge him.  

The second Emperor's Champion pose should be available next week.  I am also finishing the gothic tilesets that patrons can use to make their own structures/levels.  These will be available to Tier 2 patrons and above.  

Stay tuned!  



Joe Beddoe

Everyone (should) know the good guys (if there is such a thing) of the 40K universe are those that follow Chaos -- they are trying (maybe not in the best ways) to set humanity free. You say "heretic", I say "hero". You say "fall to Chaos" I say "RISE TO GLORY!" :) :) :)


Haha, I'll stay neutral on all the faction's motives. I just want to make the project's subject matter look as cool as possible!


where you ever gonna release that diorama of him slicing that marine in half?


Hi Daniel, yes I am working on finalising the second pose and the terrain.