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Here is the first WIP for the Fleshfiend!  This homebrew monster is definitely one of the most unique designs I've ever seen.  It kind of looks like a devil mummy but instead of linen, it's wrapped itself in human skin.  I wanted to make sure that 'ragged' appearance carried onto the miniature itself.  

I'm still trying to get a better sense of how to sculpt the wings and legs since the concept is a little vague but I have a few ideas.   

That's the first pass but I'll keep posting updates as the sculpt gets more definition.  Patrons, feel free to let me know if you like the appearance and if you think I should change anything.  Thanks!  




Omg you have such a unique style! I absolutely love it! Keep up the good stuff :D


Is it going to have the two chained slaves from the description as well? Just wondering lol looks awesome though!


Thanks! The poll was for the Fleshfiend specifically although it could be argued they're all part of the package. I guess I could do the lesser fiends instead of custom terrain if enough patrons prefer that.


HOLY COW! I'll be using this for sure.

altsien .

I mean if there's an option for without wings I'd appreciate it.


Sure, should be doable. I will definitely make the wings detachable.


Super cool, love how creepy it is

Simone Spinozzi

oooh neat! I'm guessing the "depth" of the wings ( 😂🤣 ) is due to the WIP stage. I like the idea of the belly maw, and would suggest making it feel like whatever this thing is wearing is made out of flesh somewhat like the good ol' necronomicon https://www.sideshow.com/storage/product-images/905430/book-of-the-dead-necronomicon_evil-dead-ii_silo.png


Haha, yes I was definitely going to try and incorporate some faces, but will need to see where they would complement the design.


That looks terrifying, ghastly, and freaking amazing! Love it! Also; I just saw the comment above mine, if you want to incorporate some faces, you could work out either a spell effect or a base or something just made of screaming or bound faces. Just an idea though. Or maybe an alternative texture for the wings? 🥳


Thanks! Yeah, I'm doing a bunch of experimentation right now but I'll definitely see if I can incorporate it in the wings!