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Hello everyone!  

As promised I have a bunch of new Death Knight assets for Tier 2 and Tier 3 patrons.  These are designed to give as many options to equipping your miniature as possible.

  • Death Knight Bust and Weapons:  The bust version of the Death Knight is now available to Tier 2 and above.  You can also find the three individual weapons and the Death Knight banner under the Tier 2 directory (Knight_Accessories.7z).
  • Helmet Variations:  Two new helmet variations have been added (shown in image above)!  Now you can kit out your Death Knight with three unique visual styles depending on your preference.  Hooray!
  • Mix and Match Weapons: Tier 3 patrons can now mix and match their weapon loadouts with three different weapons on either hands!  Choose what you prefer or include your own weapon with an empty hand option! 

So with that, the Death Knight project is complete!  This project was a lot of fun as I got to get really creative with the designs.  I hope all the patrons enjoyed it as well.  If you know any who would like this Chaos Lord styled miniature, please let them know about this patreon.  

Thanks everyone, see you after the votes come in!  



Simone Spinozzi

Multiple heads, multiple hands and a standard. Yep, checks out! Tempted to see if you would make an army set of your miniatures. 🤣😂👍💖 ... 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 now you make me think about this: https://www.heroforge.com/ I kickstarted them, and they basically do poseable miniatures with armors and stuff that you can then get printed at your own home and/or use their service. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 I'd say there is a market for that which has been only roughly explored. Just out of curiosity, If you were to price a miniature like the stuff you can get from them and sell it to people, custom made by you... how much? Sorry this is always me trying to get a grip on weird markets and stuff i should probably get my head out of business... but it's intriguing and i suppose asking can always be done.


Where can i find the one with the helmet on ? Many thanks !