Steampunk Pack! (Patreon)
For the November release, I am pleased to release the Steampunk Pack, a collection of Steampunk themed miniatures and props. The release includes two unique miniatures, two busts and various steampunk accessories. I have made the steampunk gun free for download. You can access it here.
The Steampunk release will be available to patrons until November 30th.
For people interested in my patreon, here is what I have planned in the pipeline based on patron votes:
- Classic Style Minotaur
- Steampunk Style Minotaur
- Death Knight
I also have a number of milestone goals set up. Once those are achieved, all patrons get extra bonuses. They are as follows:
50 patron goal:
- I will create one alternate pose for all new miniature prints.
- I will one alternate weapon set for all new miniature prints.
75 patron goal:
- I will create a special 'hero' minotaur. This will be lavishly detailed and posed over a dead barbarian it just eviscerated.
Thanks for your interest, enjoy!