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The next round of voting has officially commenced!  In this round, we have 4 suggestions, and I'll do a brief description of each one:

1.  Diseased Horror:  A patron sent me this link for the concept:   https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/020/151/866/large/mike-franchina-lord-of-the-golden-tumors.jpg?1566581081 

Basically, it's a gigantic diseased monster, something you'd probably find in a cult setting.  I really love the horror aspect of this suggestion.

2. Tarzan Style Druid:  Druid with a more animalistic aspect:  


3.  Human Monster Hybrid:  The patron wanted a monster that was trying to mimick a human.  This was an example:   https://d.facdn.net/art/butterfly-dragon/1567321384/1567321384.butterfly-dragon_forgess_-_arke.jpg

4.  Tau Fire Warrior from Warhammer 40K:  Tau are a race in the 40K Universe.  The Fire Warrior is their most basic infantry that carries a cool rifle:


There we go!  The poll will be open for a week until Sunday 22nd.  Patrons, please start voting!



These all look good. I'm going for the" Diseased Horror" since it seems very unique and could be used multiple times as either a BBEG or multiple Lovecraftian horrors.


The link to the hybrid gave me a 403, but everything else looks pretty cool. What to vote for...

Simone Spinozzi

the hybrid link does not work, i wrote the correct link as an answer to Bester


I love all of Mike Franchina's art by the way! Disease horror!