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It's coming! In 5 more days!!!! Sometime during that. Just wanted to give you guys an update on what's being added to the patreon verion.

We got 2 new fights with pics to go with them. Some big beefy bois each with a different way the fight can go depending on kink unlock and butt size! Should be obvious to what is which if we don't include it in patch notes. Also going to add in some more win events to the 2 fights already in there, with the 2 new ones getting their own variants. These will also show up in the rpg version

Along with that, we got some Trald hangout in the park going on. Find out with that cleverly hidden wolf is doing, and join in on it. Def going to add some variants based on kink unlocks with this.

Finally! We got a continuation of the drunken wolf showing up in a special event. There's going to be a scene that's only going to be unique to the rpg version. Mostly because you'll be able to become a cuntboi in there, not in the interactive version... EVENTUALLY!!!!!

Along with some QOL like seeing your money... Somewhere, and more quest notes and such.


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